Various tools to make z/OS and associated products easier to use
For z/OS the ztrace exec can be used to take the trace from a java application running on z/OS (for example a Liberty server) and remove most of the irrelevant data. Put the macro in a clist library, or rexx library, edit the data set, or use SDSF and the SE line command (to edit the spool) and type ztrace.
Run a Java program which uses TLS and use
to produce a trace. This produces a trace file, pipe this into the python program for example
cat mytls.txt |python |less
Files and utilities making it easier to use MQ on z/OS
There are several macros when need to be available to your ISPF session. If you use the TSO command ISRDDN it will display the datasets you have allocated. The macros/rexx execs need to be in a dataset in SYSEXEC or SYSPROC.
Genclass recreates the RACF definitions for a queue manager. If you edit a member and use genclass MQPA it will extract the definitons for MPQA and insert them into the member. For example
- /* Create date 07/28/20
- /* Last reference Date 07/28/20
- /* Last changed date 07/28/20
- /* Alter count 0
- /* Control count 0
- /* Update count 0
- /* Read count 0
LEVEL(0) -
- /* Global audit NONE
Two rexx execs are provided to allow you to capture the output from a TSO command and insert it into a file.
The command
ETSO command
executes command and inserts the output into the bottom of the current file.
The command
tempdsn command
Allocates a temporary dataset ( userid.temptemp) and then issues the command and captures the output.
A suite of rexx execs to process the operlog available with SDSF. It does the followig
- S1 convert each multi line message into a single like
- S2 contains a list of "boring" message ids. These get deleted from the file
- S3 Sorts the list on message id
- S4 Goes through the list and any message ids that have already been processed get excluded. You can then use ISPF delete all x to remove the duplicates.
- You edit the file to leave only boring messages and run S5. This creates some rexx code you can use in S2
It shrank a 9000 line operlog down to 500 lines. When I used the "boring" rexx - it left 10 messages.
The the 5 rexx execs in the rexx or clist concatenation in ISPF.
Type S1 then S2 etc