A repository of useful bits of code for processing IBM MQ.
- One for putting an getting messages - with bugs to educate people on debugging MQ!
- One acting as a MQ server in C
These build on the low level MQ services provided by pymqi.
A header file to process IBM MQ monitoring data is provided in tools/monitor.h
This code is alpha level - I have tested many areas - but there are going to be areas I havent covered, and I am still finding small problems with formatting etc.
I would welcome suggestions, comments, and reports of bugs. Please contact me at [email protected] or raise an issue on MQTools GitHub.
If you want to install it use
pip3 -v install git+http://github.com/colinpaicemq/MQTools/ and it will install mqtools.
to uninstall it use
pip3 -v uninstall mqtools
These tools covers
mqpcf - MQ PCF Processor for creating MQ PCF requests, and a parser to decode the response and store it in a dict. This builds on top of pymqi.
- A general purpose Python program get_pcf is provided in the examples so you can get the messages, decode them, and print them - so you just need so write small programs to process it.
formatMQMD for converting a MD from pymqi into a dict with values converted to strings.
Examples. The following are Python examples.
get_pcf - reads from the specified queue and outputs the data in json, so you can post process it.
Input parameters: -qm queue_manager_name <-channel channel name> <-conname 'ipaddress(1414)' > <-userid userid> <-password <Password_value> > if password_value not specificied then it prompts -queue q_name the name of the queue to be processed <-count n> the number of messages to process - useful while testing so you do not drain the queue. SYSTEM.* queues include: SYSTEM.ADMIN.ACCOUNTING.QUEUE, SYSTEM.ADMIN.ACTIVITY.QUEUE, SYSTEM.ADMIN.CHANNEL.EVENT, SYSTEM.ADMIN.COMMAND.EVENT, SYSTEM.ADMIN.CONFIG.EVENT, SYSTEM.ADMIN.LOGGER.EVENT, SYSTEM.ADMIN.PERFM.EVENT, SYSTEM.ADMIN.PUBSUB.EVENT, SYSTEM.ADMIN.QMGR.EVENT, SYSTEM.ADMIN.STATISTICS.QUEUE, SYSTEM.ADMIN.TRACE.ACTIVITY.QUEUE, SYSTEM.ADMIN.TRACE.ROUTE.QUEUE Output: json formatted output to stdout, which can be piped to other programs such as python3 pretty_json
pretty_json - reads json stream and prints the data in a pretty format which is easy to use.
You use it as follows.python3 get_pcf -qm .... |python3 pretty_json
events - uses mqpcf to read from the events queue and prints the data in json format. Copy the examples/event* to your current directory and change the queue manager information in events.py
- events2 takes the output from events and procesess a summary of the change events.
python3 events.py |python3 events2. This produces summary
of the events such as
- events2 takes the output from events and procesess a summary of the change events.
python3 events.py |python3 events2. This produces summary
of the events such as
getqueues connects to MQ, issues a PCF command to query queues and write json output to print
Copy the examples/getqueues*.py to your current directory and change the queue manager information in getqueues.py. Change the queue_name to your queue name prefix of interest
- getqueues2 takes the json output from getqueue and writes it to files in the queues/ directory in yaml format. Create a directory queues in your current directory
diff takes a list of *.yaml files (eg for queues) and compares the options so you can see what attributes are different.
./queues/CP0000.yml ./queues/CP0001.yml : Q_NAME CP0000 / CP0001 ./queues/CP0000.yml ./queues/CP0001.yml : Q_DESC Main queue / ./queues/CP0000.yml ./queues/CP0001.yml : MAX_Q_DEPTH 2000 / 5000 ./queues/CP0000.yml ./queues/CP0001.yml : Q_DEPTH_HIGH_EVENT ENABLED / DISABLED
standards reads the specified *.yaml files and checks the parameters to ensure they meet the specified standards. Copy the standards.py file from examples directory to your working directory, and change the parameters to match what you want to check.
less_than = {"CURRENT_Q_DEPTH":50, }
greater_than = {"MAX_MSG_LENGTH":4194304, "MAX_Q_DEPTH":9999, }
You could create a yaml file with the parameters in it, and then use that.
queues/CP00000.yml MAX_MSG_LENGTH 4000 Field in error. It should be greater than 4194304 queues/CP00000.yml MAX_Q_DEPTH 5000 Field in error. It should be greater than 9999
appltag. This summarises the output of the dis qstatus(queue*) type(handle) and give a count of unique queue, userid, applytag.
This code builds on pymqi allows you to process a message in PCF format.
You use pymqi to get data from an MQ Queue, then mqpcf can parse this data to create a dict with the data from the different structures, and with internal numbers converted to strings where applicable.
The output would be
{'Type': 'COMMAND',
'StrucLength': 36,
'Version': 1,
'MsgSeqNumber': 1,
'Control': 'LAST',
'CompCode': 0,
'Reason': 0,
'ParameterCount': 1,
'sReason': 'NONE'
Where the mqpcf code has change the returned the command value of 204 to MQCMD_INQUIRE_CHLAUTH_RECS and returned "INQUIRE_CHLAUTH_RECS"
'CHLAUTH_DESC': 'Default rule to allow MQ Explorer access',
'CUSTOM': '',
'ALTERATION_DATE': '2018-08-16',
'ALTERATION_TIME': '13.32.16'
Where the mqpcf code has changed the values returned in the message to "ADDRESSMAP" etc.
This can process messages on from queues such as SYSTEM.ADMIN..QUEUE and SYSTEM.ADMIN..EVENT. See the code in the examples directory, these produces json output which you can then pipe into other supplied samples to do useful things with it. See above
You can create a PCF message and then use pymqi to put it to the SYSTEM.ADMIN.COMMAND.QUEUE for example
from mqtools import mqpcfset as mqpcfset
pcfset = mqpcfset.mqpcfset()
message=pcfset.create_request( "INQUIRE_CHLAUTH_RECS"
from mqtools import mqpcfset as mqpcfset
pcfset = mqpcfset.mqpcfset()
You specify strings instead of the cryptic constants
Use this python script to process the output from runmqsc DIS QSTATUS(queue) to summarise the userids and appltags using the queue.
For example on Linux
echo "dis QSTATUS(CP000*) type(handle) all" |runmqsc QMA |python appltag.py
*(',q=CP0000,user=colinpaice,appltag=fromQMAJMS', 43)*
*(',q=CP0000,user=colinpaice,appltag=oemput', 1)*
*(',q=CP0002,user=colinpaice,appltag=COLINMDBCF', 36)*
*(',q=CP0002,user=colinpaice,appltag=oemput', 1)*
echo "dis conn(*) all "|runmqsc QMA |python appltag.py
*(',user=colinpaice,appltag=COLINMDBCF', 98)*
*(',user=colinpaice,appltag=fromQMAJMS', 52)*
*(',user=colinpaice,appltag=runmqchi', 1)*
*(',user=colinpaice,appltag=runmqsc', 1)*
The code for processid id (pid) has been commented out, as with clients this is just an MQ program. This is not very useful
Thanks to [email protected] for the pymqi, his guidance and assistance to me, and for coding techniques in the pymqi code.