Roughly written by an amateur. Many improvements are possible and help is appreciated.
For now this library just connects to the Bittrex SignalR/Websockets service, subscribes to markets, and
keeps an up-to-date order book. After Bittrex's v2 API is available, I hope to add that functionality.
For now, it's possible to combine this library with
if you want to use the
package main
import (
func main() {
client := bittrex.NewStreamClient()
market := bittrex.NewMarket("BTC", "ETH", client)
market.onUpdate = makeUpdateHandler()
//run for 1 minute and then disconnect from Bittrex
time.Sleep(1 * time.Minute)
func makeUpdateHandler() func(*bittrex.Market, bittrex.MarketUpdate, bool) {
return func(m *bittrex.Market, update bittrex.MarketUpdate, setState bool) {
//do something in response to an order book update
//update is the message that came from Bittrex and was used to update the book
//update contains the fills if you want to do something with them
//setState is true if the book was set all at once vs false if it was updated with a few changes
//m is a pointer to the market that was updated
fmt.Println("Bid in", m.MarketName, "is now", m.GetBid(0).Price)
Bittrex doesn't provide a way to stop
To retrieve any level of the order book, use market.GetBid(depth) or market.GetAsk(depth)