Github workflow action to build a docker image from Dockerfile and push the image to Google Continer Registry adding appropriate tags.
Passes all sensitive data using secrets.
A credentials file containing for the service account to be used to push to the repository
- (default)
- etc
The name of the project which contains the desired repository
The repository path in GCR
example: my_repo_folder/
Name of the image once it's pushed to the repository. Should be specified without domain and project.
Path that contains 'Dockerfile' in you github project
A tag to be added once to the image. By default the GitHub hash.
This action also places the latest tag on whatever image is pushed
uses: colpal/actions-gcr-buildpush
gcr_service_account: ${{ secrets.GCR_GCP_CREDENTIALS }}
gcr_project: 'my_project'
gcr_repo: 'my_repo/'
gcr_image_name: 'my_image'