Changelog: 0.10.4
Milestone: 0.10.4
Merged PRs
- Added integration tests which run in client-server mode by @lefou in #1835
- Update mill-main to 0.10.3 by @lefou in #1838
- Update upickle to 1.6.0 by @scala-steward in #1837
- Added two mill plugin projects created by a Andreas Gies by @lefou in #1839
- Update trees to 4.5.4 by @scala-steward in #1841
- Update ammonite, ammonite-terminal to 2.5.3 by @scala-steward in #1840
- Put modules before libraries in Intellij iml files by @yakivy in #1846
- Update bloop-config to 1.5.0 by @scala-steward in #1847
- feat: add framework name to the test classes BSP request by @kpodsiad in #1755
- Added BSP JVM Extension support by @atty303 in #1849
- Fix #370 Use ExtClassLoader instead of null as parent by @lolgab in #1848
- Reviewed tests under Java 9 by @lefou in #1853
- Update trees to 4.5.5 by @scala-steward in #1855
- make bloop aware of runtime dependencies by @megri in #1843
- Replace ipcsocket with junixsocket library by @sake92 in #1852
- Update upickle to 2.0.0 by @scala-steward in #1854
- Refactor ScalaJSApi to insulate worker API and User facing API by @lolgab in #1851
- GenIdea: Added support for Scala 3.1 language level by @lefou in #1856
- Add search functionality based on @antora/lunr-extension by @sake92 in #1859
- Support ModuleSplitStyle in ScalaJSModule by @lolgab in #1860
- Add dest to report and change jsFile to jsFileName by @lolgab in #1862
- Downgrade upickle to 1.6.0 by @lefou in #1865
- Update trees to 4.5.6 by @scala-steward in #1863
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 0.10.3...0.10.4