My love of Go started when I was a Mathematics undergrad student but had to give a break for some sad reasons for several years. But one day, the most magical thing happened and now I am back in playing the game! Here I share some sources to start with and famous games that I collected for myself which I think might be helpful to many others too! If you are already a Go player find me at OGS or KGS. Don't forget I am still training so be gentile please! 😇
You can also find .sgf files from some famous games and of course all of the games from Hikaru in the repo! Enjoy!
Hikaru No Go 💕 Please start with this! Be ready for the stream of emotions! You will not want it to finish, I promise!
Alpha GO A documentary about DeepMind's Alpha Go challenging the human mind!
American Go Association Tutorials
Sunday Go Lessons - Videos on the Game of Go!
Falling Stones A nice blog about Go
Learn Go Interactive Tutorials
Discord Chatting app with rooms dedicated to the players of GO.