- CloudFront distribution
- Lambda Layer
Plan is to use cloudformation nested stacks to allow for resource growth and separation of concerns.
- stack.yml
- Top level deployment
- cloudfront.yml
- Contains cloudfront resources
- ws-gateway.yml
- Websocket resources
- http-gateway.yml
- HTTP api resources
- dashboard.yml
- Frontend buckets
- REST API resources
- Deploy stacks under 'test' environment. (separate bucket folder for each envs yml template files).
- Run 'e2e' test suite.
- Deploy to production.
- Lambda function WS handler
- Serverless RestAPI
- Lambda function HTTP handler
- Bucket for compiled frontend
- Serverless RestAPI
- Lambda function HTTP handler
- S3Bucket for database
- Services are modules shared between all functions at deploy time.
- Each service has AWS Resources associated with it.
- S3Bucket for database
- S3Bucket for data storage
- S3Bucket for database storage