A collection of miscellaneous work: using Jupyter Notebook I present Data Sets of our World. Analysing, Visualising and Predicting are the core of my work. Utilizing artificial inteligence to make data understandable and accessible is a common goal of the AI Community. I would like to share my insights with the world. Here are some choice examples:
- Exploratory Data Analysis of Stock Prices 2006 - 2017. Featuring the 6 Banks
- Predicting 911 Emergencys in Montomery, PA Real World Big Data
- Ecommerce Contract Work Data Driven Descisions
- The Titanic Visualized Exploring Events using Data
- Interactive JS Data Visualisation (redirects to anaconda.org)
- Real Time Tweet Analysis Alpha
- Ecommerce Sales Analysed with Pandas
- Machine Learning Section
IoT Arxtpraxis auf Basis von Arduino und Django Möglichkeiten: Einchecken, Zähler der Personen im Raum mit Laser, Management Oberfläche für Angestellte. Beschreibung des Projekts