- Azure Portal Account
- Azure DevOps Organization
- Azure Subscription
- Azure Resource Group
- Azure Storage Account
- Azure CDN Profile & Endpoint
From the Azure Portal Home, click "More Services", and click "Subscriptions" under the "General" heading.
Click the "+ Add" button.
Enter a unique name for your subscription.
Review all other fields (for my testing purposes, each only had one option, but for client projects, this may have multiple).
Click the "Create" button. It may take some time for the subscription to be available.
From the Azure Portal Home, click "More Services", and click "Resource Groups" under the "General" heading.
Click the "+ Create" button.
Select your previously created Subscription and enter a unique name for your Resource Group.
Review all other fields (for my testing purposes, I kept the default Region of "(US) East US" but for client projects they may have a preference).
Click the "Create" button. It may take some time for the resource group to be available.
From the Azure Portal Home, click "More Services", and click "Storage Accounts" under the "Storage" heading.
Click the "+ Create" button.
Select your previously created Subscription and Resource Group.
Enter a unique name for your Storage Account.
Review all other fields (for my testing purposes, I kept the defaults, but for client projects they may have a preference).
Click the "Create" button. It may take some time for the storage account to be available.
Navigate to the newly created storage account resource.
Under "Data Management" in the left navigation, select "Static Website".
Click the "Enable" option, enter "index.html" for both document fields, and click "Save".
Navigate to the newly created storage account resource.
Under "Security + Networking" in the left navigation, select "Azure CDN".
Under "New endpoint", select "Create New", enter a unique name for your CDN Profile, select a pricing tier (for my testing purposes, I selected the classic one), enter a unique name for your endpoint, and select the origin hostname that ends with "(Static Website)".
Click the "Create" button. It may take some time for the CDN profile and endpoint to be available.
- Azure DevOps Service Connection
- Azure DevOps Build Pipeline
- Azure DevOps Release Pipeline
In your Azure DevOps project settings, select "Service Connections" under the "Pipelines" heading in the left navigation.
Click "New Service Connection", select "Azure Resource Manager", and click "Next" at the bottom.
Ensure "Service Principal (automatic)" is selected and click "Next".
Select your newly created subscription and resource group from the dropdowns, enter a unique name for your service connection, select the checkbox to "Grant access permissions to all pipelines", and click "Save".
Navigate to "Service Connections" in your Azure DevOps Project Settings.
Select your newly created service connection, and click "Manage Service Principal".
Copy the "Display Name" to your clipboard and navigate to your previously created Storage Account.
In the left navigation, click "Access Control (IAM)"
Click "+ Add" and "Add role assignment"
Select "Storage Blob Data Contributor" and click "Next"
Ensure "User, Group, or service principal" is selected and click "+ Select Members"
Paste your service principal display name in the input, select the service principal, and click "Select".
Click "Review + Assign" to assign the permission.
In Azure DevOps, navigate to "Pipelines" -> "Pipelines" in the left navigation, and click "New Pipeline".
Connect your repo from Azure Repos, Github, etc.
Copy and paste the following sample azure-pipelines.yml file. This should kick off a build. If it does not, go ahead and run one.
# Node.js with React
# Build a Node.js project that uses React.
# Add steps that analyze code, save build artifacts, deploy, and more:
# https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/devops/pipelines/languages/javascript
- main
vmImage: ubuntu-latest
- task: NodeTool@0
versionSpec: '16.x'
displayName: 'Install Node.js'
- script: |
npm install
displayName: 'Install Dependencies'
- script: |
npm run build
displayName: 'Create Production Build'
- task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
PathtoPublish: 'build'
ArtifactName: 'drop'
publishLocation: 'Container'
displayName: 'Publish Build Artifacts'
In Azure DevOps, navigate to "Pipelines" -> "Releases" in the left navigation, and click "+ New" -> "New Release Pipeline"
Select "Empty Job"
In the overlay, enter a name for your stage (i.e. "DEV" / "UAT" / "PROD") and close.
Under "Artifacts", click "+ Add an Artifact", select "Build", and select your build pipeline from the source dropdown, and click "Add".
Click the lightning bolt icon on your newly created artifact and enable the Continuous Deployment Trigger.
Click "Tasks", select your stage, and click the "+" button next to "Agent Job".
Azure Replace Tokens Task
In the right pane, add the "Replace tokens" task.
Enter the following for your target files:
Select "custom" for token pattern.
Enter the following for your token prefix:
Enter the following for your token suffex:
Azure File Copy Task
In the right pane, add the "Azure file copy" task.
Enter the following for your source:
Select your service connection for the azure subscription.
Select "Azure Blob" for the destination type.
Select your storage account for the RM Storage Account.
Enter "$web" for your container name.
Azure CLI Task
In the right pane, add the "Azure CLI" task.
Select your service connection.
Select "Powershell" for the script type.
Select "Inline Script" for the script location.
Copy and paste the following into the inline script input:
az cdn endpoint purge -g $(ResourceGroupName) -n $(EndpointName) --profile-name $(ProfileName) --content-paths "/*" --no-wait
Click the "Variables" tab and add the following name/value pairs, selecting your stage for the "Scope":
Name | Value |
EndpointName | Your Azure CDN Endpoint Name |
ProfileName | Your Azure CDN Profile Name |
ResourceGroupName | Your Azure Resource Group Name |
TestName | Dev Success! |