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ExpPanel updates (#221)
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
* Returned access restriction; started docs; Hiding info fields and comments box; cleaner subclassing

* Rethrow Signals update mismatch as warning, #72

* SqueakExpPanel -> SignalsExpPanel

* Removed code for very specific experiment that is no longer used

* Completed using_ExpPanel docs

* Formatting docs

* Issue #79

* Cleaned up UpdatesFilter

* documentation; changed plot colours
  • Loading branch information
k1o0 authored Jan 23, 2020
1 parent e19976a commit 17c757b
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Showing 16 changed files with 1,180 additions and 1,678 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion +eui/ChoiceExpPanel.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ function refresh(obj)

methods %(Access = protected)
methods (Access = protected)
function newTrial(obj, num, condition)
%attempt num is red when on higher than third
attemptColour = iff(condition.repeatNum > 3, [1 0 0], [0 0 0]);
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379 changes: 281 additions & 98 deletions +eui/ExpPanel.m

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

16 changes: 13 additions & 3 deletions +eui/MControl.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -384,18 +384,28 @@ function rigConnected(obj, rig, ~)
% If rig is connected check no experiments are running...
expRef = rig.ExpRunning; % returns expRef if running
if expRef
% error('Experiment %s already running of %s', expDef, rig.Name)
choice = questdlg(['Attention: An experiment is already running on ', rig.Name], ...
upper(rig.Name), 'View', 'Cancel', 'Cancel');
switch choice
case 'View'
% Load the parameters from file
paramStruct = load(dat.expFilePath(expRef, 'parameters', 'master'));
paramsPath = dat.expFilePath(expRef, 'parameters', 'master');
paramStruct = load(paramsPath);
if ~isfield(paramStruct.parameters, 'type')
paramStruct.type = 'custom'; % override type name with preferred
% Determine the experiment start time
try % Try getting data from Alyx
ai = obj.AlyxPanel.AlyxInstance;
meta = ai.getSessions(expRef);
startedTime = ai.datenum(meta.start_time);
catch % Fall back on parameter file's system mod date
startedTime = file.modDate(paramsPath);
% Instantiate an ExpPanel and pass it the expRef and parameters
panel =, expRef, rig, paramStruct.parameters);
panel =, expRef, rig,...
paramStruct.parameters, 'StartedTime', startedTime);
obj.LastExpPanel = panel;
% Add a listener for the new panel
panel.Listeners = [panel.Listeners
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion +eui/MappingExpPanel.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@

methods %(Access = protected)
methods (Access = protected)
function event(obj, name, t)
[email protected](obj, name, t); %call superclass method
switch name
Expand Down
235 changes: 235 additions & 0 deletions +eui/SignalsExpPanel.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
classdef SignalsExpPanel < eui.ExpPanel
%EUI.SIGNALSEXPPANEL Basic UI control for monitoring a Signals experiment
% Displays all values of events, inputs and outputs signals as they
% arrive from the remote stimulus server. These events arrive as
% 'signals' ExpEvents which are added to the SignalUpdates queue by
% expUpdate and processed by processUpdates upon calling the update
% method.
% Part of Rigbox

% 2015-03 CB created

% Structure of signals event updates from SignalExp. As new updates
% come in, previous updates in the list are overwritten
SignalUpdates = struct('name', cell(500,1), 'value', cell(500,1), 'timestamp', cell(500,1))
% List of updates to exclude (when Exclude == true) or to exclusively
% show (Exclude == false) in the InfoGrid.
UpdatesFilter = {'inputs.wheel', 'pars'}
% Flag for excluding updates in UpdatesFilter list from InfoGrid. When
% false only those in the list are shown, when false those in the list
% are hidden
Exclude = true
% The total number of
NumSignalUpdates = 0
% containers.Map of InfoGrid ui labels mapped to their corresponding
% Signal name
% The colour of recently updated Signals update events in the InfoGrid
RecentColour = [0 1 0]

function obj = SignalsExpPanel(parent, ref, params, logEntry)
% Subclasses must chain a call to this.
obj = [email protected](parent, ref, params, logEntry);
obj.LabelsMap = containers.Map(); % Initialize labels map

function update(obj)
% UPDATE Update the panel
% Processes any new updates via a call to the processUpdates method
% and changes colours of info field labels based on how recently
% they updated. This method is the callback to the RefreshTimer in
% MC. Subclasses must chain a call to this.
% See also eui.ExpPanel/update
[email protected](obj); % Elapsed timer updated by superclass
processUpdates(obj); % Update labels with latest signal values
labelsMapVals = values(obj.LabelsMap)';
labels = deal([labelsMapVals{:}]);
if ~isempty(labels) % Colour decay by recency on labels
dt = cellfun(@(t)etime(clock,t),...
ensureCell(get(labels, 'UserData')));
c = num2cell(exp(-dt/1.5)*obj.RecentColour, 2);
set(labels, {'ForegroundColor'}, c);

methods (Access = protected)
function newTrial(obj, num, condition)
% NEWTRIAL Process new trial conditions
% Do nothing, this is for subclasses to override and react to, e.g.
% to update plots, etc. based on a new trial's conditional
% parameters. For a SignalsExp experiment, this may be called by
% the processUpdates method upon an events.newTrial signal update.
% In the future SignalsExp may send newTrial events (i.e.
% independant of the 'signals' event updates)
% Inputs:
% num (int) : The new trial number. May be used to index into
% Block property
% condition (struct) : Condition data for the new trial
% See also processUpdates, expUpdate, trialCompleted

function trialCompleted(obj, num, data)
% TRIALCOMPLETED Process completed trial data
% Do nothing, this is for subclasses to override and react to, e.g.
% to update plots, etc. based on a complete trial's data. Called by
% expUpdate method upon 'trialData' event (currently not used by
% exp.SignalsExp).
% Inputs:
% num (int) : The new trial number. May be used to index into
% Block property
% data (struct) : Completed trial data
% See also expUpdate, processUpdates, trialCompleted

function event(obj, name, t)
% EVENT Process none-signals experiment event
% Called by expUpdate callback to process all miscellaneous events,
% i.e. experiment phases. This method is downstream of srv.ExpEvent
% events. Updates ActivePhases list as well as the panel title
% colour and, upon phase changes, the Status info field.
% Inputs:
% name (char) : The event name
% t (date vec) : The time the event occured
% Example:
% if strcmp(evt.Data{1}, 'event') % srv.ExpEvent object
% % Pass event info to be processed
% obj.event(evt.Data{2}, evt.Data{3})
% end

%called when an experiment event occurs
phaseChange = false;
if strEndsWith(name, 'Started')
if strcmp(name, 'experimentStarted')
obj.Root.TitleColor = [0 0.8 0.05]; % green title area
%phase has started, add it to active phases
phase = name;
phase(strfind(name, 'Started'):end) = [];
obj.ActivePhases = [obj.ActivePhases; phase];
phaseChange = true;
elseif strEndsWith(name, 'Ended')
if strcmp(name, 'experimentEnded')
obj.Root.TitleColor = [0.98 0.65 0.22]; %amber title area
obj.ActivePhases = {};
phaseChange = true;
%phase has ended, remove it from active phases
phase = name;
phase(strfind(name, 'Ended'):end) = [];
obj.ActivePhases(strcmp(obj.ActivePhases, phase)) = [];
phaseChange = true;
% else
% disp(name);
if phaseChange % only update if there was a change for efficiency
%update status with list of running phases
phasesStr = ['[' strJoin(obj.ActivePhases, ',') ']'];
set(obj.StatusLabel, 'String', sprintf('Running %s', phasesStr));

function processUpdates(obj)
% PROCESSUPDATES Process all accumulated signals event updates
% Process the signals events that have occured since the method was
% last called. Any new field labels are created and all fields are
% updated with the most recent signal values.
% This function is downstream of the update method, which is
% See also expUpdate, update
updates = obj.SignalUpdates(1:obj.NumSignalUpdates);
obj.NumSignalUpdates = 0;
% fprintf('processing %i signal updates\n', length(updates));
for ui = 1:length(updates)
signame = updates(ui).name;
switch signame
case 'events.trialNum'
set(obj.TrialCountLabel, ...
'String', num2str(updates(ui).value));
% Check whether to display update using UpdatesFilter
onList = any(ismember(signame, obj.UpdatesFilter));
if (obj.Exclude && ~onList) || (~obj.Exclude && onList)
if ~isKey(obj.LabelsMap, signame) % If new update, add field
obj.LabelsMap(signame) = obj.addInfoField(signame, '');
str = toStr(updates(ui).value); % Convert the value to string
set(obj.LabelsMap(signame), 'String', str, 'UserData', clock,...
'ForegroundColor', obj.RecentColour); % Update value

function expUpdate(obj, rig, evt)
% EXPUPDATE Callback to the remote rig ExpUpdate event
% Processes a new experiment event. Signals events are added to the
% SignalUpdates queue for processing by the processUpdates method.
% Inputs:
% rig (srv.StimulusControl) : The source of the event
% evt (srv.ExpEvent) : The experiment event object
% See also live, event, srv.StimulusControl, srv.ExpEvent
if strcmp(evt.Name, 'signals')
type = 'signals';
type = evt.Data{1};
switch type
case 'signals' %queue signal updates
updates = evt.Data;
newNUpdates = obj.NumSignalUpdates + length(updates);
if newNUpdates > length(obj.SignalUpdates)
%grow message queue to accommodate
obj.SignalUpdates(2*newNUpdates).value = [];
obj.SignalUpdates(obj.NumSignalUpdates+1:newNUpdates) = updates;
catch % see
id = 'Rigbox:eui:SignalsExpPanel:signalsUpdateMismatch';
msg = 'Error caught in signals updates: length of updates = %g, length newNUpdates = %g';
warning(id, msg, length(updates), newNUpdates-(obj.NumSignalUpdates+1))
obj.NumSignalUpdates = newNUpdates;
case 'newTrial'
cond = evt.Data{2}; %condition data for the new trial
trialCount = obj.Block.numCompletedTrials;
%add the trial condition to a new trial in the block
obj.mergeTrialData(trialCount + 1, struct('condition', cond));
obj.newTrial(trialCount + 1, cond);
case 'trialData'
%a trial just completed
data = evt.Data{2}; %the final data from that trial
nTrials = obj.Block.numCompletedTrials + 1;
obj.Block.numCompletedTrials = nTrials; %inc trial number in block
%merge the new data with the rest of the trial data in the block
obj.mergeTrialData(nTrials, data);
obj.trialCompleted(nTrials, data);
set(obj.TrialCountLabel, 'String', sprintf('%i', nTrials));
case 'event'
% disp(evt.Data);
obj.event(evt.Data{2}, evt.Data{3});




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