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Analysis of survey simulations for bright epochs (MWS and BGS)


BSD-3-Clause, BSD-3-Clause licenses found

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Routines to manipulate and analyse the output of DESI catalogue ('quick') survey simulations, specifically for bright epochs (MWS and BGS).

See for BGS-specific science analysis code dvelopment.

Installing a Product

DESI Python packages should be installable by pip. For example:

pip install git+[email protected]

In this example the string @1.1.0 means "install tag 1.1.0". You can also use this method to install branches (by branch name) or specific commits (using the git hash).

At NERSC, DESI products should be installed with desiInstall. The main purpose of desiInstall is to ensure that different versions of a package are kept separate and to install Module files. desiInstall is not part of this package, but part of desiutil.

Product Contents

Directory Structure

A DESI Python product may contain these top-level directories. It may contain additional directories, but the directories listed here have special meaning for desiInstall.

This directory is only needed if the product contains executable scripts. If you do not have any scripts, you can omit this directory from your product.
Contains high-level documentation of the software. Typically, the code itself will contain its own documentation. This area is for documentation that discusses the product as a whole. Sphinx will process files placed in this directory. Sphinx documents should be .rst files.
Contains small data and configuration files used by the code. This does not mean you should be checking in large data files! This directory also contains the template module file for the product. If additional files are found in this directory, desiInstall will install them automatically. However, you should not rely on pip installing these files for you.
Contains Python code. Top-level Python package directories should be placed within the py/ directory. This simplifies the specification of the $PYTHONPATH variable.

For a standard DESI Python package, you will probably need all of these directories, with the possible exception of the bin directory.

Top-level Files

Your Python product should have a file. See the file included with this template product for further details. This will allow the package to be installed with pip. In addition, desiInstall will process this file with:

python install --prefix=$INSTALL_DIR.

If your product contains a file, desiInstall will assume that your product is Python-based and will process it accordingly.

Automation Support Files

In addition to the standard .gitignore file, there are two other hidden files included in this product.

Configuration for the test coverage. You will need to edit this file to change the name of the product.
This is the configuration file for Travis CI tests. This file might need to be adjusted to suit your package. In particular, the file included with this package has Python 3 tests that your package might not be ready for yet. Just comment those out.

Requirements File

The requirements.txt file contains other Python packages required by this package. In particular, this file will be processed during Travis tests to install packages needed for the tests. This file is processed with the command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Manifest File

The file contains instructions for the setup system that will be used to construct an "official" tarball of the package. For example, this file will be used by the command:

python sdist

This file is absolutely necessary if your package will be distributed via PyPI.

Other Files

.module file

In the etc/ directory is a file called desitemplate.module. This file is used to create a module file for the product at install time. It should be renamed to the name of the product plus .module. It should be customized for the needs of the product. In particular, any packages that your product depends on should be added to the module file.

Module files are intended for use at NERSC. They are not processed automatically by pip.

Version File

In the top-level of the py/destemplate directory, you will see a file called This file is created and maintained by the command:

python version

This file should not be altered except by that command. In preparation for a new tag of the product, you can use the variant:

python version --tag 1.2.3

To set the version string to exactly '1.2.3'. Make sure you check in your changes and immediately tag after doing this!

Enabling Testing and Other Automation

The instructions above concern installing the necessary files but to perform Travis-CI tests, Coverage checks and automated documentation, GitHub packages also need special settings set.

  1. Create accounts on Travis CI, Read the Docs, and Coveralls.
  2. Visit e.g. and click on Settings (look for a gear icon on the right). If you do not see this, stop now. In this case you probably don't have permission to perform any of these steps.
  3. Under Settings click 'Webhooks & Services'.
  4. Click 'Add Service' and select 'Travis CI'. Add your Travis account information.
  5. Repeat the previous step, but select 'ReadTheDocs'. There is little to no account information to add here.
  6. Go to your Travis account, and activate the product you want to test. In some cases this product will be under the desihub group, rather than your personal account.
  7. Check the Travis settings for the account. These settings should be ON: 'Build only if .travis.yml is present', 'Build pushes', 'Build pull requests'.
  8. Go to your Coveralls account and activate the product you want to test. In some cases this product will be under the desihub group, rather than your personal account.
  9. Go to your Read the Docs account, click 'Import a Project' and follow the instructions. For 'Documentation Type', select 'Sphinx Html'.
  10. Start testing...

Links to Automation

DESI uses several online resources to test software and build documentation. This section contains example links to those services.

Full Documentation

Please visit desitemplate on Read the Docs

Documentation Status

Travis Build Status

Travis Build Status

Test Coverage Status

Test Coverage Status


desitemplate is free software licensed under a 3-clause BSD-style license. For details see the LICENSE.rst file.


Analysis of survey simulations for bright epochs (MWS and BGS)



BSD-3-Clause, BSD-3-Clause licenses found

Licenses found






No releases published


No packages published
