covid-resources scrapes tweets from Twitter's search page (using Twitter's advanced search feature) and collates them on one page
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Want to contribute? Check the Contributing section.
Set the variables in .env.example and move them to .env.local
npm install
npm run build
npm run dev
FB_PRIVATE_KEY= # Private key from firebase service account json
FB_CLIENT_EMAIL= # Client email from firebase service account json
FB_PROJECT_ID= # Your firebase project id
NEXT_PUBLIC_CLARITY_ID= # Microsoft Clarity ID
Tweet & Tweets Document
type Tweet = { tweetId: string username: string for: Record<string, boolean> location: Record<string, boolean> } type Tweets = Record<string, Tweet>
type Locations = Record<string, boolean>
Location Resources
type ResourceTitle = string type ResourceURL = string type LocationResources = Record<string, Record<ResourceTitle, ResourceURL>>
type SearchTerm = string type Resources = Record<string, SearchTerm>