project id | pasa_cbentley_swing_skin |
author | Charles-Philip Bentley |
license | |
tags | Java |
created | July 2019 |
modified |
Quote by Mahatma Gandhi
When I admire the wonders of a sunset or the beauty of the moon, my soul expands in the worship of the creator.
Libary for generating a Swing menu for currently available skin (look and feels)
Workflow only uses basic Eclipse projects with libaries included with sources.
You don't have to look anywhere.
Its all here sourced on github repositories.
It uses the pasa_cbentley_swing dependency graph
num | id | Right Click -> Copy Link Address |
1 | java_src4_compat_j2se | Import Link |
2 | pasa_cbentley_core_src4 | Import Link |
3 | pasa_cbentley_core_src5 | Import Link |
4 | pasa_cbentley_core_src8 | Import Link |
5 | pasa_cbentley_swing | Import Link |
Current dependencies for the Eclipse project are
num | id | Right Click -> Copy Link Address |
1 | pasa_jtattoo | Import Link |
2 | JFormDesigner_FlatLaf | Import Link |
Install Java 8 JDK. You need the Java Development Kit, which includes the Runtime (JRE). Oracle JDK 8 Download Page
Install Eclipse (tested with 2019-06). Eclipse Download Page
When launching Eclipse, create a workspace or use an existing workspace where you will check out all the github repos.
An Eclipse workspace compiles continuously all its projects and their files. Errors are reported in the problems view.
Import the github repositories listed above. Following the given order, you should not see any compilation errors.
- Right click on link and copy link to clipboard
- In Eclipse, use the menu File -> Import
- In the dialog find Git -> Projects from Git -> Clone URI
- If you have copied the github repository url in the clipboard, you should see
- Select master branch
- Next you decide where the cloned repository will be created.
- Select import Eclipse Project.
- Eclipse project is selected. Press Finish