There are 3 packages:
- teleop_twist_keyboard is for manual control of robot motion.
- my_robot contains gazebo environemnts for the robot.
- my_navigation contains launch files for executing the map_server, amcl, and move_base nodes.
Note that some example snapshots of the robot simulator can be found inside the folder results/.
Open a new terminal, and launch this command to bringup the robot simulator.
$ roslaunch my_robot world.launch
Open another new terminal, and launch this command to run the map_server, amcl, and move_base nodes.
$ roslaunch my_navigation amcl.launch
Open another new terminal for manual keyboard control if needed.
$ rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard
The robot uses the laser data to understand about its current position in the map. Also, its estimated orientation is shown as a green arrow in RVIZ panel.
A subgoal (marked as a red arrow in RVIZ panel) which is just around the area under the table was assigned.
The robot moves autonomously to the assigned subgoal.
The robot stops moving once it reaches the assigned subgoal.