craft ai scientific activities
- (ICML 2024) Rényi Pufferfish Privacy: General Additive Noise Mechanisms and Privacy Amplification by Iteratio
- (CAP 2024) Confidentialité Pufferfish de Rényi : Mécanismes Additifs Généraux et Amplification de Confidentialité par Itération
- (preprint) The Impact of LoRA on the Emergence of Clusters in Transformers (2024)
- (preprint) Rényi Pufferfish Privacy: General Additive Noise Mechanisms and Privacy Amplification by Iteration (2024)
- (ICML 2023 Tiny Paper)CausalStructCodec: Causally-aware observational and interventional data generator (2023)
- (CTHS 2023) De la fouille à la reconstitution des environnements et des comportements préhistoriques: l’outil de recherche Schopper, un système immersif en aide à la formulation (2023)
- (TPDP workshop ICML 2022) Practical considerations on using private sampling for synthetic data (2023)
- (Trustworthy AI Workshop ECML/PKDD) XAI and geographic information: application to paleoenvironmental reconstructions (2022)
- (ICPRAI 2022) Improving drift detection by monitoring shapley loss values
- (UISPP 2021)
- Explainable and Transparent AI and MAS workshop EXTRAAMAS 2021) Towards an XAI-Assisted Third-Party Evaluation of AI Systems: Illustration on Decision Trees
- (EGC 2020)The three stages of Explainable AI: How explainability facilitates real world deployment of AI
- (AALTD Workshop ECML/PKDD 2019) A fully automated periodicity detection in time series
- (ICTAI 2018) Inducing Readable Oblique Decision Trees
- (ArXiv 2018) Information gain ratio correction: Improving prediction with more balanced decision tree splits
- (PAAMS 2016) Forgetting Methods for White Box Learning
- (APIA 2017) Periodic split method: learning more readable decision trees for human activities (2017)