PouchDB plugin to assist in PouchDB conflict resolving.
pouch-resolve-conflicts is hosted on npm.
Install via npm install pouch-resolve-conflicts
var PouchDB = require('pouchdb')
Use the browserified build.
<script src="pouchdb.js"></script>
<script src="pouch-resolve-conflicts.js"></script>
// The resolve function. This function takes two documents and returns either
// one of them, a changed version of one of them, or nothing. In the latter the
// conflict will not be resolved. If there are more than two conflicting
// versions this function will be called with each version against the former
// result.
function resolveFun(a, b) {
// cannot merge: return nothing
if ('foo' in a && 'foo' in b) return
// return one of the docs
if ('foo' in a) return a
if ('foo' in b) return b
// return changed doc
a.foo = 'bar'
return a
var db = new PouchDB('mydb')
// Lets have a conflict
docs: [
{ _id: 'mydoc', _rev: '1-one', foo: 'bar' },
{ _id: 'mydoc', _rev: '1-two', bar: 'baz' }
new_edits: false
// Query doc with `conflicts: true`
.then(function(response) {
return db.get('mydoc', { conflicts: true })
// And resolve it
.then(function(doc) {
return db.resolveConflicts(doc, resolveFun)
npm test