This library allows you to get the WIF (wallet import format) from a private ECDSA key and vice versa.
Algorithms are taken from
The library is meant for Python version 3.6
Here's an usage example in the Python shell.
Calculate WIF from private key
>>> import btcwif
>>> priv = "0C28FCA386C7A227600B2FE50B7CAE11EC86D3BF1FBE471BE89827E19D72AA1D"
>>> wif = btcwif.privToWif(priv)
>>> wif
Calculate private key from WIF
>>> priv1 = btcwif.wifToPriv(wif)
>>> priv1
Check if WIF is positive to checksum
>>> btcwif.wifChecksum(wif)
>>> wif1 = "6HueCGU8rMjxEXxiPuD5BDku4MkFqeZyd4dZ1jvhTVqvbTLvyTJ" # invalid WIF
>>> btcwif.wifChecksum(wif1)
Trying to calculate private key from invalid WIF
>>> btcwif.wifToPriv(wif1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "E:\Programming\bitcoin\", line 86, in wifToPriv
if not wifChecksum(wif) : raise Exception('The WIF is not correct (does not pass checksum)')
Exception: The WIF is not correct (does not pass checksum)