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Crestal JavaScript SDK

JavaScript SDK for Crestal's services.


npm install crestal-js-sdk


yarn add crestal-js-sdk


JavaScript Projects

No additional configuration needed. You can start using the SDK right away:

// Using ESM (import)
import { login } from 'crestal-js-sdk/utils';

// OR using CommonJS (require)
const { login } = require('crestal-js-sdk/utils');

TypeScript Projects

Add these essential compiler options to your tsconfig.json:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "moduleResolution": "node",
    "module": "ESNext",
    "esModuleInterop": true,
    "paths": {
      "crestal-js-sdk/*": [

Build from Source

# Clone the SDK
git clone

# Install and build
cd crestal-js-sdk
npm install # or yarn
npm run build # or yarn build

Usage Examples

Generate Login Details

import { login } from 'crestal-js-sdk/utils';

const privateKey = "0x70*******************************3164a4b050158496aa9191df818f380dbb3d";
const userAddress = "0xBB900BbE1A20dA4d474666B79a5fa6CE12629733";
const chainId = 80084;

if (privateKey && userAddress && chainId) {
  login(privateKey, userAddress, chainId);
} else {
  console.error("Missing required variables.");

Then run it with: npx ts-node --esm YOUR_SCRIPT.ts or node YOUR_SCRIPT.js.

Chain Validation

For a full list of supported networks and their chain Ids, please check here.

import { isChainSupported, supportedChainIds } from 'crestal-js-sdk/utils';

// Validate a specific chain
const isValid = isChainSupported(80084); // true

Then run it with: npx ts-node --esm YOUR_SCRIPT.ts or node YOUR_SCRIPT.js.