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Get location information from goal
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Lysxia committed Dec 2, 2024
1 parent a6ac5ee commit 50bcebc
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Showing 8 changed files with 446 additions and 27 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion server/bin/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ class lsp_server =
match Why3findUtil.ProofPath.qualified_goal_of_json req with
| None -> Lwt.return (`String "Error: invalid proof path")
| Some path ->
let goal = Why3findUtil.get_goal path in
let goal = Why3findUtil.get_goal (Why3findUtil.get_env ()) path in
let msg = match goal with
| None -> "No goal found"
| Some goal -> goal in
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion server/lib/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
(inline_tests (deps (source_tree ../testdata)))
(pps ppx_expect ppx_yojson_conv))
(modules_without_implementation types))
Expand Down
54 changes: 50 additions & 4 deletions server/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,15 +4,15 @@ let%expect_test _ =
let coma = parse_coma_string "module M_qyi1 (* T *)\nmodule M_z__y\n" in
List.iter (fun { name; demangled; _ } -> Format.printf "Module %s: %a\n" name.ident fprint_def_path demangled) coma.State.modules;
[%expect {|
Module M_qyi1: impl{T}
Module M_z__y: z::y
Module M_qyi1: impl{T}::M
Module M_z__y: z::y::M
|} ]

let%expect_test _ =
let open Creusot_demangler in
Option.iter print_segments (demangle_ident "M_qyi3__qy65z");
[%expect {|

let%expect_test _ =
Expand All @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ let%expect_test _ =
}" in
let names = list_names lexbuf in
List.iter (fun (def, _, _) -> Rust_syntax.print_def_path def) names;
[%expect {| impl{Node<K>}::f |}]
[%expect {| impl{Node<K>}::f::M |}]

let%expect_test _ =
let open Why3findUtil in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -54,3 +54,49 @@ let%expect_test _ =

let pp_range h loc =
let (file, bl, bc, el, ec) = Why3.Loc.get loc in
Format.fprintf h "%s#%d:%d-%d:%d" file bl bc el ec

let%test_unit _ =
let open Why3findUtil in
let open ProofPath in
let env = get_test_env () in
let goal i = {
file = "../testdata/sum.coma";
theory = "M_sum__sum_first_n";
goal_info = {
vc = "vc_sum_first_n'0";
tactics = [("split_vc", i)];
} in
let p = Why3.Loc.user_position in
let expected = [|
Some (p "../testdata/sum.coma" 61 118 61 129); (* TODO: locate type invariants *)
Some (p "../testdata/sum.coma" 62 38 62 48);
Some (p "../testdata/sum.coma" 77 126 77 136);
Some (p "../../../creusot-contracts/src/std/" 101 0 213 1);
Some (p "" 9 4 9 7);
Some (p "" 9 4 9 7);
Some (p "" 9 4 9 7);
Some (p "" 8 16 8 65);
Some (p "../testdata/sum.coma" 154 119 154 129);
Some (p "" 5 10 5 38);
Some (p "../testdata/prelude/prelude.coma" 49 59 49 76); (* TODO: locate overflows *)
Some (p "" 9 4 9 7);
Some (p "" 9 4 9 7);
Some (p "" 9 4 9 7);
Some (p "" 8 16 8 65);
|] in
for i = 0 to 15 do
let loc = get_goal_loc env (goal i) in
match expected.(i), loc with
| None, None -> ()
| None, Some actual -> failwith (Format.asprintf "Expected: None\n Actual: Some(%a)" pp_range actual)
| Some expected, None -> failwith (Format.asprintf "Expected: Some(%a)\nActual: None" pp_range expected)
| Some expected, Some actual ->
if not (expected = actual) then
failwith (Format.asprintf "Expected: %a\nActual: %a" pp_range expected pp_range actual)
60 changes: 41 additions & 19 deletions server/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -243,18 +243,20 @@ let load_plugins =
Why3.Whyconf.load_plugins @@ Why3.Whyconf.get_main env.Config.wenv.config

let load_config =
let load_config ?(root = ".") ?(warn = true) =
let lazy_config = lazy (
let config = Config.load_config "." in
(match config.packages with
| [] -> log Warning "No package found in config \"why3find.json\", at least prelude is needed for creusot proofs"
| _ -> ());
let check_warning w =
if not (List.mem w config.warnoff) then
log Warning "Disable warning \"%s\" in why3config.json, otherwise Why3 may produce lots of warnings on Creusot-generated code" w
check_warning "unused_variable";
check_warning "axiom_abstract";
let config = Config.load_config root in
if warn then (
(match config.packages with
| [] -> log Warning "No package found in config \"why3find.json\", at least prelude is needed for creusot proofs"
| _ -> ());
let check_warning w =
if not (List.mem w config.warnoff) then
log Warning "Disable warning \"%s\" in why3config.json, otherwise Why3 may produce lots of warnings on Creusot-generated code" w
check_warning "unused_variable";
check_warning "axiom_abstract";
List.iter (fun unwarn ->
Why3.Loc.disable_warning @@ Why3.Loc.register_warning unwarn Why3.Pp.empty_formatted)
("unused_variable" :: "axiom_abstract" :: config.warnoff);
Expand All @@ -267,6 +269,14 @@ let get_env () =
load_plugins env;

(* Hack for the test suite. get_env must not have been called. *)
let get_test_env () =
let root = "../testdata" in
let config = load_config ~root ~warn:false () in
let env = Config.create_env ~root ~config () in
load_plugins env;

let rec path_goal_ theory (e : Why3.Env.env) (g : Session.goal) (q : ProofPath.tactic_path) breadcrumbs : Session.goal option =
let (let+) = Option.bind in
match q with
Expand All @@ -284,24 +294,36 @@ let rec path_goal_ theory (e : Why3.Env.env) (g : Session.goal) (q : ProofPath.t
let path_goal ~theory (e : Why3.Env.env) (g : Session.goal) (q : ProofPath.tactic_path) : Session.goal option =
path_goal_ theory e g q []

let get_goal (q : qualified_goal) : string option =
let warn_if_none msg x = (match x with
| None -> log Warning "%s" msg
| Some _ -> ()); x

let for_goal (env : _) (q : qualified_goal) (f : Session.goal -> 'a option) : 'a option =
let session = true in
let env = get_env () in
let file = q.file in
let dir, _lib = Wutil.filepath file in
let (let+) = Option.bind in
let theories, format = Wutil.load_theories env.Config.wenv.env file in
let dir, _lib = Wutil.filepath file in
let s = Why3find.Session.create ~session ~dir ~file ~format theories in
let+ theory = List.find_opt (fun t -> t = q.theory) (Session.theories s) in
let+ goal = List.find_opt (fun g -> Session.goal_name g = (Session.split theory) in
let+ theory = List.find_opt (fun t -> t = q.theory) (Session.theories s) |> warn_if_none (Printf.sprintf "theory %s not found" q.theory) in
let+ goal = List.find_opt (fun g -> Session.goal_name g = (Session.split theory) |> warn_if_none (Printf.sprintf "vc %s not found" in
let+ goal = path_goal ~theory:( theory) env.wenv.env goal q.goal_info.tactics in
let task = Session.goal_task goal in
Some (Format.asprintf "%a" Why3.Pretty.print_sequent task)
f goal
with e -> log Error "get_goal: Failed to load why3: %s" (Printexc.to_string e); None

let get_goal env q = for_goal env q (fun goal ->
let task = Session.goal_task goal in
Some (Format.asprintf "%a" Why3.Pretty.print_sequent task))

let loc_to_range loc =
let _, l1, c1, l2, c2 = Why3.Loc.get loc in
Lsp.Types.Range.create (* why is this necessary? ----------v *)
~start:(Lsp.Types.Position.create ~line:(l1 - 1) ~character:c1)
~end_:(Lsp.Types.Position.create ~line:(l2 - 1) ~character:c2)

let goal_term_loc (g : Session.goal) =
let open Why3 in
(Task.task_goal_fmla (Session.goal_task g)).Term.t_loc

let get_goal_loc env q = for_goal env q goal_term_loc
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions server/lib/why3findUtil.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
open Lsp.Types
open Types
open Util

module ProofPath : sig
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -39,6 +38,9 @@ open ProofPath
val parse_json : coma:string -> (theory -> unit) -> Jsonm.decoder -> unit
val read_proof_json : coma:string -> source -> theory list

val get_goal : ProofPath.qualified_goal -> string option
val get_env : unit -> Why3find.Config.env
val get_test_env : unit -> Why3find.Config.env
val get_goal : Why3find.Config.env -> ProofPath.qualified_goal -> string option
val get_goal_loc : Why3find.Config.env -> ProofPath.qualified_goal -> Why3.Loc.position option

val loc_to_range : Why3.Loc.position -> Range.t
85 changes: 85 additions & 0 deletions server/testdata/prelude/prelude.coma
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
module Borrow
type borrowed 'a = { current : 'a; final : 'a; id : int }

function ( *_ ) (x : borrowed 'a) : 'a = x.current
function ( ^_ ) (x : borrowed 'a) : 'a =

let borrow_final < 'a > (a : 'a) (id : int) (ret (result : borrowed 'a)) =
any [ ret' (fin : 'a) -> (! ret { { current = a; final = fin; id = id } })]

let borrow_mut < 'a > (a : 'a) (ret (result : borrowed 'a)) =
any [ ret (fin : 'a) (id: int) -> (! ret { { current = a; final = fin; id = id } })]

function borrow_logic (cur fin : 'a) (id : int) : borrowed 'a = { current = cur; final = fin; id = id }

function get_id (x : borrowed 'a) : int =
function inherit_id (old_id inherit_path: int) : int
module Snapshot
type snap_ty 't

function new (x : 't) : snap_ty 't
function inner (x : snap_ty 't) : 't

axiom new_spec [@rewrite] : forall x: 't [new x]. inner (new x) = x
axiom inner_spec [@rewrite]: forall x: snap_ty 't [inner x]. new (inner x) = x
module Intrinsic
function any_l (a :'a) : 'b
module UInt32
use int.Int

type uint32 = < range -0x0 0xffff_ffff >

constant min : int = - 0x0
constant max : int = 0xffff_ffff

function to_int (x : uint32) : int = uint32'int x
meta coercion function to_int
meta "model_projection" function to_int

predicate in_bounds (n:int) = min <= n <= max

axiom to_int_in_bounds: forall n:uint32. in_bounds n

let of_int (n:int) { [@expl:integer overflow] in_bounds n }
(ret (result :uint32) { result = n }) = any

let add (a:uint32) (b:uint32) { [@expl:integer overflow] in_bounds (a + b) } (ret (result :uint32) { result = a + b }) = any

let sub (a:uint32) (b:uint32) { [@expl:integer overflow] in_bounds (a - b) } (ret (result :uint32) { result = a - b }) = any

let mul (a:uint32) (b:uint32) { [@expl:integer overflow] in_bounds (a * b) } (ret (result :uint32) { result = a * b }) = any

let neg (a:uint32) { [@expl:integer overflow] in_bounds (- a) } (ret (result :uint32) { result = - a }) = any

axiom extensionality: forall x y: uint32. to_int x = to_int y -> x = y

let eq (a:uint32) (b:uint32) (ret (result : bool) { result <-> a = b } { to_int a = to_int b -> result }) = any

let ne (a:uint32) (b:uint32) (ret (result : bool) { result <-> a <> b } { to_int a <> to_int b -> result }) = any

let le (a:uint32) (b:uint32) (ret (result : bool) { result <-> to_int a <= to_int b }) = any

let lt (a:uint32) (b:uint32) (ret (result : bool) { result <-> to_int a < to_int b }) = any

let ge (a:uint32) (b:uint32) (ret (result : bool) { result <-> to_int a >= to_int b }) = any

let gt (a:uint32) (b:uint32) (ret (result : bool) { result <-> to_int a > to_int b }) = any

use int.ComputerDivision

let div (a:uint32) (b:uint32)
{ [@expl:division by zero] b <> 0 }
{ [@expl:integer overflow] in_bounds (div a b) }
(ret (result :uint32) { result = div a b }) = any

let rem (a:uint32) (b:uint32)
{ [@expl:division by zero] b <> 0 }
{ [@expl:integer overflow] in_bounds (mod a b) }
(ret (result :uint32) { result = mod a b }) = any
module Int
use export

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