Python connector module for Node.JS applications. This packages allows Python functions to be called and process Node.JS JSON request. This packages complements PyConnector module for Node.JS.
Install using pip
pip install nodeconnector
Python 3.6+ is required.
A simple minimal API interface can be created using the following example.
Note that handle/resolver functions are executed in a separate thread.
Context information can be using nodeconnector.Interface.handle( 'query_type', resolve_function, [ ctx ] )
This object will be passed to all resolve_function
calls and can be used to store information between queries.
import sys
import time
import argparse
import nodeconnector
# argument parsing, PyConnector automatically sends this
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description = 'Python Exposed API' )
parser.add_argument( '--pynodeport', help = 'PyConnector Node.JS query port', default = 24001 )
args = parser.parse_args()
# python version query
def nodeq_version( args, ctx = {} ):
return ( '%d.%d.%d' % ( sys.version_info[ 0 ], sys.version_info[ 1 ], sys.version_info[ 2 ] ) )
# increment value query
def nodeq_increment( args, ctx = {} ):
# return value
ctx[ 'inc' ] += 1
args[ 'value' ] = ctx[ 'inc' ]
return args
# create interface
nodeq = nodeconnector.Interface( )
# queries are executed on a separate thread, a context object can be used to pass data
nodeq.handle( 'pyversion', nodeq_version )
nodeq.handle( 'increment', nodeq_increment, dict( inc = 0 ) )
# launch API
nodeq.listen( port = args.pynodeport )
# wait
while( True ):
time.sleep( 0.001 )
Copyright (C) 2019 Cristian Dobre .