Version: 1.0.0
Released: April 29, 2013 Tested with: 3.5.1
A simple theme built with Twitter Bootstrap and the Underscores starter theme.
Tags: clean, simple, white, LESS, responsive, custom-menu, sidebar-right, bootstrap
Built with _s and Twitter's Bootstrap, Uncorked is a fully-responsive, flexible-width theme for Wordpress. Built with LESS, it is extremely modular and easy to customize from the back-end. Using template parts for a very modular, interchangeable design, I built this theme for myself to easily customize into custom sites for design clients looking for something unique. This theme utilizes HTML5 and CSS3, and currently may not be fully compatible with all browsers.
As this is my first theme, it's still fairly rough around the edges, but I have large ambitions for features, integration and functionality, and continuous updates and improvements will be forthcoming.
Please use my found Lighthouse page for this project to submit a ticket, I will be checking the issues tracking on Github as well, but will check Lighthouse more regularly.
- Add lightbox-style display for image attachments
- Add modernizr support
- Customized post-type templates
- RTL & ML support
- Gallery pages
- Buddypress & WooCommerce support
- Bootswatch skins
- Page Templates
This theme is licensed under the GPLv2, except where other licenses apply. More information can be found in license.txt.
In making this theme, I used work from:
- Underscores (_s) by Automattic under GPLv2
- Bootstrap by Twitter under Apache License v2.0
- Font Awesome by Dave Gandy under SIL Open Font License, MIT License, and CC BY 3.0 License
- Font Awesome More by Greg Loucas under SIL Open Font License, MIT License, and CC BY 3.0 License
- The Bootstrap by Konstantin Obenland under GNU License
All copyrights property of their respective owners.
This project will be maintained under the Semantic Versioning guidelines.
Releases will be numbered with the following format:
And constructed with the following guidelines:
Breaking backward compatibility bumps the major (and resets the minor and patch) New additions without breaking backward compatibility bumps the minor (and resets the patch) Bug fixes and misc changes bumps the patch For more information, please visit SemVer.
- Download the .zip file.
- In Wordpress Admin > Appearances > Themes > Add New > Upload, upload the .zip file to your Wordpress site.
- Activate the theme.