Treehouse Unit 1 Project. This application presents a random quote generated from a hard-coded array of objects, at a set interval. There's also a button to show a random quote from the array.
HTML/CSS. JavaScript.
This was the first time I used Git version control, and published a repository. This also helped me understand the basics of JavaScript being used on the front-end by using DOM manipulation. The project also helped me understand how to create and use functions, while keepig hoisting in mind.
The web page is incredibly basic, as it was the first project of the Treehouse FSJS coding bootcamp. There can be a number of improvements such as removing the hard-coded quotes and using a Fetch API to retrieve a larger number/variety of quotes. The page can be styled better, such as making the "Show another quote" a fixed color/style so that it doesn't blend in with the page. Also, the setInterval should reset its timer if the "Show another quote" button is clicked.
Clone the project, and simply open index.html
Otherwise, I have a live version here.
Sean Crooks
Team Treehouse supplied all files and author coded majority of js/script.js.