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Eric Pailleau edited this page Dec 30, 2017 · 7 revisions



JSON decoding to Erlang binary structure is the default if no mode given, but can use the option {mode, struct}.

Note : it is only a convention. Binary struct is returned by default if mode value is not map,proplist or record. So {mode, whatever} will return binary struct as well.

1> {ok, A} = jason:decode_file("priv/ref1.json",[{mode, struct}, {return, tuple}]).
      [{<<"title">>,<<"example glossary">>},
             {<<"GlossTerm">>,<<"Standard Generalized Markup Lang"...>>},
             {<<"Abbrev">>,<<"ISO 8879:1986">>},
              [{<<"para">>,<<"A meta-m"...>>},
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