1265 commits
to master
since this release
There are two types of binaries in this release:
- specter_desktop - a windowed GUI application with Specter server included
- specterd - a command-line program that only runs Specter server
Note for MacOS: If Specter-Desktop app appears in the tray, but doesn't start the server, go to Applications, find the app, right-click on it and select "Open" - it should solve the problem once and for all, so next time you should be able to launch it as normal.
Release notes
- Build: Create Specter Desktop app (#273, #308) (@stepansnigirev, @ben-kaufman)
- Bugfix: Fix importing PSBT functionality (#291) (@ben-kaufman)
- Bugfix: Fix issue with using xpub with no derivation (
only) (#282) (@hodlwave) - Bugfix: Fix issue with uploading PSBT from SD card (#292) (@luclefleur)
- Bugfix: Fix error when creating wallet with single quotes in name (#300) (@luclefleur)
- Bugfix: Fix signing issue on Cobo Vault (#301) (@stepansnigirev)
- Bugfix: Fix export format for Cobo Vault and Coldcard (#301) (@stepansnigirev)
- Bugfix: Fix validation of send form when the amount field is empty (#303) (@ben-kaufman)
- Bugfix: Fix issue with creating wallets (#305) (@stepansnigirev)
- Bugfix: Fix BTC to sat unit conversion mistake of x10 on Send tab amount input (#314) (@ben-kaufman)
- Feature: Sats the standard - allow using sats instead of BTC as Specter's unit of account (#306) (@ben-kaufman)
- Feature: Add a list of the wallet's past addresses to the Receive tab (#296) (@ben-kaufman)
- Feature: Run the numbers! (Add calculate total BTC supply options to node info screen) (#304) (@ben-kaufman)
- UI: Ask user to extract backup ZIP before uploading Specter backup folder (#307) (@ben-kaufman)
- UI: Fix Tor popup typo (#310) (@TheCharlatan)
- UI: Configure local and remote HWI in one place (#312) (@stepansnigirev)
- Docs: Add a missing instruction for building with pyinstaller (#285) (@mflaxman)
- Docs: Update README and screenshots (#309) (@ben-kaufman)