Gardening app for helping city dwellers and/or people with small patios for growing their own fresh veggies, herbs, and fruit in containers.
Currently using data containing 41* common plants that's stored in Postgres
- Postgres
- Node
- Express
- React
- Typescript
- Bootstrap
Lazy for code splitting - reduced loading time!
React query - less network requests!
Rest API && CRUD operations
- As an admin, I want to access to create, read, update and delete plants in the database
- As an admin, I want to be authenticated to prevent attacks by using protected routes
- As a basic user, I want to view a list of plants, so that I can decide which ones I want to grow
- As a basic user, I want to view information about a plant, so that I can learn about the plant and how to properly take care of it.
Milestone | Description |
Planning | tech stack, user requirements / stories, user flow, wire frames, mission objectives & statement, scope, erd, architecture design |
Development | create database, import gardening csv, user requirements verification |
Testing | analyze results, address any bugs |
Finalize | publish docs, demo, deploy production |
clone repo
navigate to frontend directory
cd /frontend
install all modules:
npm install
start development server:
npm run dev
- open backend folder in another terminal
- create .env file with all variables in /backend/constants/index.js to hide sensitive information from version control
- update config/db.js with database name
Open another terminal
navigate to backend directory
cd /backend
install all modules:
npm install
start development server:
npm run dev