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Craig Fowler edited this page Mar 26, 2019 · 2 revisions

WebDriverExtras is a small library which provides some extra functionality related to Selenium WebDriver.

The following headings introduce those features and link to further documentation.

WebDriver factories

The creation of a web driver instance can be non-trivial. In a continuous integration environment, getting a web driver might also need to rely on configuration & environment variables, specific to the current CI build.

WebDriverExtras provides a micro-framework for WebDriver factories to handle this complexity and keep it from the rest of your code.

Browser flags

Browser flags is a micro-framework which supplements any web driver which derives from RemoteWebDriver.

Flags help developers deal with functional differences between web browsers, where capabilities are insufficient.

Sauce Labs integration

Sauce Labs is a popular cloud-based platform for browser-based testing. WebDriverExtras provides a few utility types which assist in integrating with Sauce Labs environment.

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