Source code of the WiX installer to build a Windows installer for the Streamflow Forecasting software stack
Build with WiX 4
A blog post Windows installer with WiX 4 - part 1 is a related if idiosyncratic tutorial on using WiX 4.
This installer source code is public for possible didactic use by others, but the instructions below are not designed as a tutorial or as a readily reusable template.
Note: see also C:\src\cruise-control\doc\ which has partial duplicates
set build_out_dir=X:\work\common\Software\sf\install
set src_libs_dir=%build_out_dir%\core\windows
if not defined local_dir set local_dir=c:\local
set libs64_dir=%local_dir%\libs\64
if not exist %libs64_dir% mkdir %libs64_dir%
if not exist %local_dir%\matlab mkdir %local_dir%\matlab
if not exist %local_dir%\python mkdir %local_dir%\python
set robocopy_opt=/MIR /MT:1 /R:2 /NJS /NJH /NFL /NDL /XX
REM cd %libs64_dir%
REM del /Q *.*
:: You may replace 7z with the full path, typically "c:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" with quotation marks
7z x -y -o%local_dir% %src_libs_dir%\libs.7z
set robocopy_opt=/MIR /MT:1 /R:2 /NJS /NJH /NFL /NDL /XX
REM may need to adjust the source directory for matlab below!
robocopy %build_out_dir%\matlab\matlab\ %local_dir%\matlab %robocopy_opt%
robocopy %build_out_dir%\R\ %local_dir%\ %robocopy_opt%
cd %local_dir%\python
del /Q *.whl
xcopy %build_out_dir%\python\*.whl %local_dir%\python %COPYOPTIONS%
In a VS development prompt:
set TestCertificate="h:\credentials\CSIRO.pfx"
set TestPassword=xyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxynotreallythat
set SRC_DIR=C:\src\sf-installer
cd %SRC_DIR%
:: 2023-11-15
:: CAUTION: no trailing spaces in version num... Silly dos.
set VERSION_NUM=1.2.0
REM May 2024
set VERSION_NUM=1.3.0
msbuild -nologo -p:Configuration=Release -p:Platform=x64 -p:BuildVersion=%VERSION_NUM% sf.wixproj
REM msbuild -nologo -m BeltTest\BeltTest.sln -p:BuildVersion=0.35
set wininstall_dir=X:\work\common\Software\sf\install\windows_installer
if not exist %wininstall_dir% mkdir %wininstall_dir%
set BUILD_DIR=%SRC_DIR%\bin\x64\Release
del sf-*.msi
xcopy sf.msi sf-%VERSION_NUM%.msi
xcopy %BUILD_DIR%\sf-%VERSION_NUM%.msi %wininstall_dir%\ %COPYOPTIONS%
xcopy %BUILD_DIR%\sf.wixpdb %wininstall_dir%\ %COPYOPTIONS%
To update WiX:
dotnet tool update --global wix