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Compilation instructions

Tomas Ukkonen edited this page Jan 5, 2018 · 4 revisions

The library can be tricky to get working. Here are basic instructions.

svn checkout source code
cd dinrhiw
apt-get install pkg-config
apt-get install libgmp-dev
apt-get install libopenblas-dev
apt-get install libz-dev
apt-get install bison


  1. get the code from the repository
  2. use to build configure script and other things
  3. configure script fails if you don't have necessarily (few general) support libraries installed. Install development libraries and you are ok. (libz-dev, libgmp-dev, blas and pkg-config). I guess you can get these from prepackaged debs or rpms.
  4. if you care about speed, pre-install OpenBLAS before configure so it detects it and links to openblas instead of some more general slower library (alternatively, make sure that blas library it tries to link with as a default is FAST)
  5. after execute: make; make makelib; su root; make install | tee install.log

After this go to tools subdirectory (you need to install Bison parser generator):

  1. make; make install | tee install.log

This will build test programs: aescipher, dstool and nntool. After this execute and scripts. It will do basic data preprocessing and show how to learn relationships from the data using dstool and nntool (wine_measurements and breast_cancer data). Currently, the script does (only thing that is possible) basic data optimization using PCA preprocessing and gradient descent with early stopping and prints the results to the output showing that the prediction code works.

So currently the library creates a command-line tool that can be used to do (multistart parallel) gradient descent optimization of neural network weights as well as HMC sampling from a simple bayesian neural network code.

TODO: cleanup the code there are lots of classes that are not used. Remove references to CORBA etc as they are NOT going to be implemented.