I started this project as a part of the SheCodes Responsive workshop to collect and showcase my projects. I keep this website updated with my current works, so check it out to see what I am working on.
- The multi-site webpage is built with vanilla JavaScript, HTML and CSS
- The UI design was created with accessibility in mind
- The website is responsible and can be viewed in a web browser or on a mobile device
- The website has enhanced SEO for better search results
- The layout of the page uses bootstrap
- On the About page, you can find my introduction and a summary of my skills and experiences.
- On the Resume page, you can see my education, a summary of my work history with experiences, skills and recent certifications. You can also download my full resume as a PDF file from here.
- On the Portfolio page, I collected my projects. Each project has a description. I added a picture and a link to the web pages as well, so you can visit them.
- On the Contact page, you can connect with me on social media.
- My portfolio website is reachable here