A sample iOS project for ADI DevFest 2013.
This project uses features only available in iOS 6+. Make sure you have the latest version of Xcode and the iOS SDK installed.
Register for a Flickr API key.
Create a new file at Photos/CSPhotosAPIClientConstants.m with the following contents:
#import "CSPhotosAPIClientConstants.h" NSString *const kCSPhotosAPIKey = @"<your API key here>";
Build and run!
Here are a couple of possible fun/educational ways one could modify this project:
- Add paginated results to the photo list view (by modifying CSPhotosAPIClient and CSPhotosViewController).
- Add the ability to search Flickr for a specific tag (or tags) using UISearchDisplayController.
- Add more aggressive image caching for a better offline viewing experience.
- Add Core Data for photo metadata persistence and background API response importing for improved UI performance.
- Display additional information about the photos, and about the users who posted them.
- Change the layout properties of the collection view in CSPhotosViewController (by subclassing UICollectionViewLayout).
- Use an entirely different photos API (like Facebook).
- Photos - this project
- AFNetworking - the most popular (and best) open source Objective-C HTTP library
- Cheddar for iOS - a commercial todo app that uses AFNetworking and Core Data
- SSKeychain - an Objective-C wrapper for iOS and OS X keychain services
- ReactiveCocoa - functional reactive programming for Objective-C
- SuperDB - a dynamic remote debugger for iOS apps
- PonyDebugger - a remote debugger for iOS apps that uses the WebKit inspector
- GHUnit - additions to the standard unit testing frameworks
- Nimbus - a well-maintained kitchen sink library
- Three20 - a poorly maintained kitchen sink library
- CocoaPods - a package manager for third party iOS libraries and frameworks
- NSHipster - informative and easy-to-read articles about Objective-C and Apple frameworks
- NSBlog - weekly deep dives into the Objective-C runtime and reverse engineering Apple frameworks
- Cocoa with Love - inactive, but a great archive of useful articles about iOS and Mac development
- iOS Dev Weekly - well-curated weekly newsletter covering current events in iOS development
- Cocoa Is My Girlfriend - well-written how-to articles on iOS and Mac development
- Fun with Objective-C - insightful articles on design patterns and frameworks by an Apple engineer
- iOS Unit Testing - a blog purely dedicated to unit testing on iOS
- inessential - Brent Simmons
- Marco.org - Marco Arment
- Daring Fireball - John Gruber
- The Shape of Everything - Gus Mueller
- kickingbear - Guy English
- Michael Tsai - Michael Tsai
- Programming in the 21st Century - James Hague (not an iOS/Mac dev, but writes great essays)