Releases: csu-hmc/GaitAnalysisToolKit
Releases · csu-hmc/GaitAnalysisToolKit
Version 0.2.0
- Support Python 3. [PR
_] - Minimum dependencies bumped to Ubuntu 14.04 LTS versions and tests run on
latest conda forge packages as of 2018/08/30. [PR#140
_] - The minimum version of the required dependency, DynamicistToolKit, was bumped
to 0.4.0. [PR#134
_] - Reworked the DFlowData class so that interpolation and resampling is based on
the FrameNumber column in the mocap data instead of the unreliable TimeStamp
column. [PR#135
_] - Added note and check about higher oct2py versions required for
Version 0.1.2
This release fixes a plotting bug and removes the unnecessary 3.1MB data file from the source distribution.
Version 0.1.1
This release fixes an installation bug which prevented proper installation of the octave files.
Version 0.1.0
This is the initial release of the GaitAnalysisToolKit.