Note regarding delivery guide: currently replaced manually by copying it over /srv/data/ctgstaff/ctg-delivery-guide-v1.1.pdf We are rebuilding the delivery process and will probably get the template directly from here in the future!
Use pandoc to convert markdown to pdf, installation guide can be found here
Conversion can then be done with command:
pandoc -V colorlinks -V urlcolor=NavyBlue -V geometry:margin=2cm Templates/Delivery/src/ -o Templates/Delivery/Publish/delivery_guide.pdf
Upload the pdf to lfs:
scp <pdf> [email protected]:/srv/data/ctgstaff/
ssh [email protected] HERE <<
sudo ln -s /srv/data/ctgstaff/<pdf> /srv/data/ctgstaff/latest.pdf
Portable encapsulated projects (PEPs) are a way of storing biological sampledata along with metadata in a human and machine friendly manner.
A PEP is used to receive data from customers and is then returned back to the customer along with any additional annotations that might be important.
For the interested see: