A place to store and serve my slide decks
Also includes a custom Reveal.js theme based on the current PowerPoint Template offered by the Cornell University Brand Center. Custom theme uses official colors and logo.
Handful of sample slides showing the CU theme for Reveal.js
- Default (light) Demo: https://cu-communityapps.github.io/ct-ms388-slide-decks/demo/
- Dark Theme Demo: https://cu-communityapps.github.io/ct-ms388-slide-decks/demo-dark/
Very brief overview requested for and presented at weekly dept meeting
- Slide deck: https://cu-communityapps.github.io/ct-ms388-slide-decks/log-analyticss-intro/
- Source: https://github.com/CU-CommunityApps/ct-ms388-slide-decks/tree/main/docs/log-analyticss-intro
Overview and demo of our Function App that's used as an endpoint for Azure Monitor alerts