This package allows you to get multiple meanings of a word asynchronously between;
- Turkish to English
- English to Turkish
- French to English
- Spanish to English
- German to English
const config: Config = {
amount: 1,
//you can specify how many word meanings you want
detailed: false;
//allows you get all meanings of a word or just the first table on
//detailed property is set false default
// config
translate("aircraft", TranslationType.ENGTUR, config).then((resp: WordBlock[])=>{
// resp =>
description: 'Meanings of "aircraft" in Turkish English Dictionary : 42 result(s)',
words: [ [Word] ]
also word has these properties;
category: 'Common Usage',
type: 'n. ',
translatedFrom: 'en',
text: 'aircraft',
order: 1,
translatedTo: 'tr',
translatedText: 'uçak'