Trial project for CivicDataLab.
Collect Himachal Pradesh treasury accounts' expenditure and receipts data and perform exploratory analysis.
The analysis reports are inside reports/
Expenditure and Receipts summaries give overall patterns for different parameters. There is also a comparative summary of both receipts and expenditure.
We have top 10 plots for districts based on DDOs for receipts, Major heads for receipts and for expenditure.
Then there is a Time Series analysis for receipts and expenditure for all the districts.
We can also use a list of Major Heads to see the receipts and expenses done by different districts as is done here for receipts and expenditure.
Contains the scraping scripts including the spiders which scrapes the datasets and creates CSVs and utils for extra stuff like cleaning old files to get them into proper format to merge with new files collected with different queries.
Contains the notebook modules which have plotting functions. Also a utils and wrangler module which wrangles the data and provides utilities for plots.
Contains the analysis reports.
Contains the raw datasets that were scraped.
Contains the munged datasets.
Expenditure and Receipt analysis is done for FY 2017-18 and a half FY 2018-2019.