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Ruby bindings for sending email via the sendwithus API.

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gem install send_with_us

or with Bundler:

gem 'send_with_us'
bundle install



NOTE - If a customer does not exist by the specified email (recipient address), the send call will create a customer.

send_email arguments

  • template_id - string - Template ID being sent
  • to - hash - Recipients' email address
  • :data - hash - Email data
  • :from - hash - From name/address/reply_to
  • :cc - array - array of CC addresses
  • :bcc - array - array of BCC addresses
  • :files - array - array of files to attach, as strings or hashes (see below)
  • :esp_account - string - ESP account used to send email
  • :version_name - string - version of template to send
  • :headers - hash - custom email headers NOTE only supported by some ESPs
  • :tags - array - array of strings to attach as tags
  • :locale - string - Localization string

send_with arguments [DEPRECATED]

  • template_id - string - Template ID being sent
  • to - hash - Recipients' email address
  • data - hash - Email data
  • from - hash - From name/address/reply_to
  • cc - array - array of CC addresses
  • bcc - array - array of BCC addresses
  • files - array - array of files to attach, as strings or hashes (see below)
  • esp_account - string - ESP account used to send email
  • version_name - string - version of template to send
  • headers - hash - custom email headers NOTE only supported by some ESPs
  • tags - array - array of strings to attach as tags

For any Ruby project:

require 'rubygems'
require 'send_with_us'

    obj = api_key: 'YOUR API KEY', debug: true )

    # required params
    result = obj.send_email(
        { address: "[email protected]" })
    puts result

    # required params and locale
    result = obj.send_email(
        { address: "[email protected]" }),
        locale: 'en-US'
    puts result

    # full cc/bcc support
    result = obj.send_email(
        { name: 'Matt', address: '[email protected]' },
        data: { company_name: 'TestCo' },
        from: { name: 'Company',
            address: '[email protected]',
            reply_to: '[email protected]' },
        cc: [
            { name: 'CC',
                address: '[email protected]' }
        bcc: [
            { name: 'BCC',
                address: '[email protected]' },
            { name: 'BCC2',
                address: '[email protected]' }
    puts result

    # Attachment support
    result = obj.send_email(
        { name: 'Matt', address: '[email protected]' },
        data: { company_name: 'TestCo' },
        from: { name: 'Company',
            address: '[email protected]',
            reply_to: '[email protected]' },
        cc: [],
        bcc: [],
        files: [
          { filename: 'customfilename.txt', attachment: 'path/to/file.txt' },
          { filename: 'anotherfile.txt', attachment:'path/to/file.txt') },
          { filename: 'unpersistedattachment.txt', attachment:"raw data") }
    puts result

    # Set ESP account
    # See:
    result = obj.send_email(
        { name: 'Matt', address: '[email protected]' },
        data: { company_name: 'TestCo' },
        from: { name: 'Company',
            address: '[email protected]',
            reply_to: '[email protected]' },
        cc: [],
        bcc: [],
        files: [],
        esp_account: 'esp_MYESPACCOUNT')
    puts result

    # all possible arguments
    result = obj.send_email(
        { name: 'Matt', address: '[email protected]' },
        data: { company_name: 'TestCo' },
        from: {
          name: 'Company',
          address: '[email protected]',
          reply_to: '[email protected]'
        cc: [
            { name: 'CC',
                address: '[email protected]' }
        bcc: [
            { name: 'BCC',
                address: '[email protected]' },
            { name: 'BCC2',
                address: '[email protected]' }
        files: ['path/to/attachment.txt'],
        esp_account: 'esp_MYESPACCOUNT',
        version: 'v2',
        tags: ['tag1', 'tag2'],
        locale: 'en-US')
    puts result

    # send_with - DEPRECATED!
    result = obj.send_with(
        { name: 'Matt', address: '[email protected]' },
        { company_name: 'TestCo' },
          name: 'Company',
          address: '[email protected]',
          reply_to: '[email protected]'
            { name: 'CC',
                address: '[email protected]' }
            { name: 'BCC',
                address: '[email protected]' },
            { name: 'BCC2',
                address: '[email protected]' }
        ['tag1', 'tag2'],
    puts result
rescue => e
    puts "Error - #{}: #{e.message}"

Render a Template

  • email_id - string - Template ID being rendered
  • version_id - string - Version ID to render (optional)
  • data - hash - Email data to render the template with (optional)
  • data[:locale] - hash value - This option specifies the locale to render (optional)
require 'rubygems'
require 'send_with_us'

    obj = api_key: 'YOUR API KEY', debug: true )

    result = obj.render(
        { company_name: 'TestCo' },

    puts result
rescue => e
    puts "Error - #{}: #{e.message}"

Remove Customer from Drip Campaign

require 'rubygems'
require 'send_with_us'

    obj = api_key: 'YOUR API KEY', debug: true )

    result = obj.drips_unsubscribe('[email protected]')

    puts result
rescue => e
    puts "Error - #{}: #{e.message}"

Using Drip Campaigns

require 'rubygems'
require 'send_with_us'

    obj = api_key: 'YOUR API KEY', debug: true )

    # List campaigns
    result = obj.list_drip_campaigns()
    puts result

    # List steps of campaign dc_asdf1234
    result = obj.drip_campaign_details('dc_asdf1234')
    puts result

    # Add [email protected] to campaign dc_asdf1234
    result = obj.start_on_drip_campaign('[email protected]', 'dc_asdf1234')
    puts result


    # Add [email protected] to campaign dc_asdf1234, with optional: email_data, locale, tags
    result = obj.start_on_drip_campaign('[email protected]', 'dc_asdf1234', {total: '100.00'}, 'en-US', ['tag1', 'tag2'])
    puts result

    # Remove [email protected] from campaign dc_asdf1234
    result = obj.remove_from_drip_campaign('[email protected]', 'dc_asdf1234')
    puts result
    rescue => e
    puts "error - #{}: #{e.message}"


Get a Customer

customer = obj.customer_get("[email protected]")

Create/Update a Customer

customer_data = {:FirstName => "Visha"}
result = obj.customer_create("[email protected]")

Delete a Customer

result = obj.customer_delete("[email protected]")

Get logs for customer

This will retrieve email logs for a customer.

Optional Arguments:

  • count – The number of logs to return. Max: 100, Default: 100.
  • created_gt – Return logs created strictly after the given UTC timestamp.
  • created_lt – Return logs created strictly before the given UTC timestamp.
obj.customer_email_log('[email protected]', count: 1)


# List Templates
obj.list_templates() # Alternatively, obj.emails()

# Create Template
obj.create_template(name, subject, html, text)

# Delete Template

# List Template Versions

# Update Template Version
obj.update_template_version(template_id, version_id, name, subject, html, text)

# Create Template Version
obj.create_template_version(template_id, name, subject, html, text)


For a Rails app, create send_with_us.rb in /config/initializers/ with the following:

SendWithUs::Api.configure do |config|
    config.api_key = 'YOUR API KEY'
    config.debug = true

In your application code where you want to send an email:

    result ='template_id', { address: '[email protected]' }, { company_name: 'TestCo' })
    puts result
rescue => e
    puts "Error - #{}: #{e.message}"

Take a look at our Mailer that you can use similarly to ActionMailer



Optional Arguments:

  • count – The number of logs to return. Max: 100, Default: 100.
  • offset – Offset the number of logs to return. Default: 0
  • created_gt – Return logs created strictly after the given UTC timestamp.
  • created_gte – Return logs created on or after the given UTC timestamp.
  • created_lt – Return logs created strictly before the given UTC timestamp.
  • created_lte – Return logs created on or before the given UTC timestamp.
obj.logs(count: 1, offset: 1)


The following errors may be generated:

SendWithUs::ApiInvalidEndpoint - the target URI is probably incorrect or template_id is invalid
SendWithUs::ApiInvalidKey - the sendwithus API key is invalid
SendWithUs::ApiBadRequest - the API request is invalid
SendWithUs::ApiConnectionRefused - the target URI is probably incorrect
SendWithUs::ApiUnknownError - an unhandled HTTP error occurred

Running tests

Use rake to run the tests:

$: rake


General Troubleshooting

  • Enable debug mode
  • Make sure you're using the latest Ruby client
  • Capture the response data and check your logs — often this will have the exact error

Enable Debug Mode

Debug mode prints out the underlying request information as well as the data payload that gets sent to sendwithus. You will most likely find this information in your logs. To enable it, simply put debug: true as a parameter when instantiating the API object. Use the debug mode to compare the data payload getting sent to sendwithus' API docs.

obj = api_key: 'YOUR API KEY', debug: true )

Response Ranges

Sendwithus' API typically sends responses back in these ranges:

  • 2xx – Successful Request
  • 4xx – Failed Request (Client error)
  • 5xx – Failed Request (Server error)

If you're receiving an error in the 400 response range follow these steps:

  • Double check the data and ID's getting passed to Sendwithus
  • Ensure your API key is correct
  • Log and check the body of the response


Build gem with

gem build send_with_us.gemspec

Publish gem with

gem push send_with_us-VERSION.gem


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