Elixir library ...
At this point pipeline is in the design phase.
The main goal of the project is to provide a simple way to add and handle assets within Phoenix. The tool of choice is Gulp because of its ease of use, number of plugins, and similarities to Elixir in regards to transforming data.
- Elixir v1.0.2+
Install Phoenix
git clone https://github.com/phoenixframework/phoenix.git && cd phoenix && git checkout v0.6.1 && mix do deps.get, compile
Create a new Phoenix application
mix phoenix.new my_app /path/to/scaffold/my_app
Important: Run this task in the Phoenix installation directory cloned in the step above. The path provided:
should be outside of the framework installation directory. This will either create a new application directory or install the application into an existing directory.mix phoenix.new my_app /Users/you/projects/my_app mix phoenix.new my_app ../relative_path/my_app
cd out of phoenix directory
cd ..
Install Pipeline
git clone https://github.com/cursivecode/pipeline.git && cd pipeline && mix do deps.get, compile
Run Pipeline Script
mix pipe /path/to/scaffold/my_app
Change directory to
. Install dependencies and start web servermix do deps.get, compile gulp serve
- watch : watch your source files and recompile them automatically
- livereload : reloades webpage when source files change - requires browser extension
- sourcemaps : provides sourcemaps for coffeescript and sass files
- sass : compiles sass files
- coffeescript : compiles coffeescript files
- Finish design phase
- Add production gulp tasks