MBTiles Specification [RU], [EN]
- Combination of multiprocess gdal2tiles and mbutil in order to write tiles directly into Mbtiles database.
- Writing tiles without transitional (temporary) storage on disk
- Works in both ways: as CLI script and from interface. Just launch
from gui
- GDAL 2.X.X
- [PIL\Pillow] (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Pillow/4.0.0)
- PyQt4
python gdal2mbtiles.py input_file [options] -z min_zoom - maxzoom output.mbtiles
gdal2mbtiles --help
to see list of available options:
(Doesn't work) show program's version number and exit
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-p PROFILE, --profile=PROFILE
Tile cutting profile (mercator,geodetic,raster) -
default 'mercator' (Google Maps compatible)
Resampling method (average,near,bilinear,cubic,cubicsp
line,lanczos,antialias) - default 'average'
-s SRS, --s_srs=SRS
The spatial reference system used for the source input
-z ZOOM, --zoom=ZOOM
Zoom levels to render (format:'2-5' or '10').
-e, --resume
Resume mode. Generate only missing files.
-a NODATA, --srcnodata=NODATA
NODATA transparency value to assign to the input data
Number of concurrent processes (defaults to the number
of cores in the system)
-v, --verbose
Print status messages to stdout
Options for generated HTML viewers a la Google Maps
`-w WEBVIEWER, --webviewer=WEBVIEWER`
Web viewer to generate
(all,google,openlayers,leaflet,index,metadata,none) -
default 'all'
`-t TITLE, --title=TITLE`
Title of the map
`-c COPYRIGHT, --copyright=COPYRIGHT`
Copyright for the map
`-g GOOGLEKEY, --googlekey=GOOGLEKEY`
Google Maps API key from
`-y YAHOOKEY, --yahookey=YAHOOKEY`
Yahoo Application ID from
Options for config parameters
`-x, --auxfiles` Generate aux.xml files.
Image format for output tiles. Just PNG and JPEG
allowed. PNG is selected by default
Format for output cache. Values allowed are tms and
xyz, being xyz the default value
gdal2mbtiles.py input.tif -z 12-14 -a 0 output.mbtiles