ViWrap: A modular pipeline to identify, bin, classify, and predict viral-host relationships for viruses from metagenomes
Oct 2022
Zhichao Zhou
[email protected] & [email protected]
Anantharaman Lab
Department of Bacteriology
University of Wisconsin-Madison
ViWrap v1.3.0
If you find ViWrap useful please consider citing our manuscript on iMeta:
Zhou, Zhichao, Martin, Cody, Kosmopoulos, James C., and Anantharaman, Karthik. 2023. “ ViWrap: A Modular Pipeline to Identify, Bin, Classify, and Predict Viral–Host Relationships for Viruses from Metagenomes.” iMeta 2, e118.
- Updates
- Program Description
- Installation
- Settings
- Running ViWrap
- ViWrap tasks
- Flag explanations
- Output Explanations
- Contact
--Updated on Dec 9, 2023
(1) Correct the VirSorter2 + CheckV pipeline to get viral scaffolds. Use the "combined.fna" from CheckV result dir.
(2) Add the "scf2lytic_or_lyso.summary.txt" in the VirSorter resulting dir to facilitate the downstream "modified vRhyme_best_bins" generation.
(3) Delete the scaffolds that are not related to virus in "vRhyme_input_coverage.txt".
(4) Correct the if " " in line or "\t" in line: # Break at the first " " or "\t"
line in multiple scripts to ensure the break at the first " " or "\t" of the headers.
--Updated on Dec 11 and 12, 2023
(1) Do not split fasta file, but split faa file in "" script (for virus identifying method of 'vs' and 'dvf').
(2) For virus identifying method of 'genomad', the faa file was the pyrodigal-gv annotated one by geNomad. The ffn file was also based on this faa file.
(3) Add AMG filtering step to the script.
--Updated on Dec 13 and 14, 2023
(1) Update combine_iphop_results function in to store only one host prediction result with the highest confidence score among all potential results.
(1) Add "Unclassified metabolism" to the calculation of step 4 KO metabolism relative abundance (in function "generate_result_visualization_inputs"), since that some KOs might not have corresponding KO metabolisms according to the db.
(2) Add custom MAG viral scaffold filtering steps into "". There are two filtering criteria: 1. Viral scaffolds from MAGs that are identified by geNomad were removed from the MAGs. 2. Viral scaffolds that contain proviruses with total region length >= 85% of the whole scaffold were removed from the MAGs since that they are very likely to be mistakenly-binned viral scaffolds.
--Updated on Dec 18, 2023
(1) Update the taxonomical classification method:
Modify the script to adjust the priority based on the lowest rank of taxonomy not being 'NA' additionally. Currently, the script sets the priority as follows:
NCBI RefSeq viral protein searching Marker VOG HMM searching vContact2 clustering geNomad taxonomy However, if there are multiple hits by different methods, the method with the lowest taxonomic rank not being 'NA' should be used.
Provide "AMG_results" in "ViWrap_summary_outdir" to include AMG statistics, AMG protein details, and AMG protein sequences.
Check and update the vContact2 conda environment.
Correct function "get_virus_genome_annotation_result" in "" ("==" changed to "in" in outside elif).
Correct thread number mistake in "" script.
Add long reads mapping function (for nanopore or pacbio reads).
Solve VirSorter 2 conda environment and database issues (set numpy to v1.20).
Update bam filtering steps.
Update GTDB-Tk to v2.1.1 and db to release 207 v2.
Change the output place of "iPHoP_db_custom".
Update the "" to add checkV DB setting up command line.
Update the "" to change long headers into short headers in the output virus faa files (within the folders of "02_vRhyme_outdir/vRhyme_best_bins_fasta_modified" and "08_ViWrap_summary_outdir/Virus_genomes_files"). And correct the ffn files error.
Update "VOG_marker_table.txt" to remove "Caudovirales" from the tax column.
Update the IMG/VR v3 to v4.
Update the KEGG metabolism calculation issue (denominator sometimes could be "0") in the function "generate_result_visualization_inputs" within the "" script.
Update the vs virus identifying method - delete the 2nd vs and CheckV steps and add a pre-check step for input scaffold length limit when using vs method; update Section Settings at the same time.
Update the pre-check contents for the requirements for the usage of options "custom_MAGs_dir" and "iPHoP_db_custom", as well as "iPHoP_db_custom_pre"; update the input restrictions when dealing with host prediction by iPHoP by adding custom MAGs to host db (two circumstances: 1 using custom MAGs, 2 using custom MAGs and using iPHoP db custom provided by the previous run).
Correct the code errors during the pre-check and input restriction update in the above step; correct my mistake in generating "IMGVR_high-quality_phage_vOTU_representatives.tar.gz" file (I have mistakenly written all the tax into Class Megaviricetes (a class of giant virus)!!! huge mistake! I missed a variable replacement though).
Update script ("wget => wget -c"); add custom MAG dir to example_data directory for TEST 2; update with new vs virus identifying method, pre-check contents, and input restrictions mentioned above. Updated on Nov 26, 2023.
The following file, software, and corresponding database have been updated:
(1) The version of "ICTV_Master_Species_List.txt" ICTV_Master_Species_List_2021_v3 => ICTV_Master_Species_List_2022_MSL38_v3
(2) iPHoP v1.2.0 => iPHoP v1.3.3
​ iPHoP_db_Sept21 => iPHoP_db_Aug23_rw
(3) GTDB-Tk v2.1.1 => GTDB-Tk v2.3.2 GTDB-Tk reference data release 207 v2 => GTDB-Tk reference data release 214
I found the mistakes in generating "IMGVR_high-quality_phage_vOTU_representatives.tar.gz" (within the database directory). I re-generated the three "IMGVR_high-quality_phage_vOTU_representatives.tar.a*" files and updated accordingly.
Updated on Nov 28, 2023.
Solve the iPHoP perl and rafah issue by fixing the perl version to 5.22.0 when setting up the ViWrap-iPHoP conda environment. Updated on Nov 30, 2023.
Add "--no-check-certificate" to wget command in "" and "" for some special cases when downloading database; Correct the gtdb db release 214 text in "". Updated on Dec 6, 2023.
Update VirSorter2 db download and configuration part in script "". Updated on Dec 8, 2023
- Modify "parse_dRep" function ( so that it can also process the result even though dRep running is not successful.
- Correct the faa protein ID issue in the "get_virus_genome_annotation_result" function (
- Add "-red 5" (the maximum number of redundant proteins per bin should be less than 5) to the "" script.
- Correct AMG KO statistic mistake in ""; now only AMG KOs will be included in the final "Virus_summary_info.txt" file.
- Add "run_wo_reads" option to allow directly identifying viral scaffolds from metagenomes/genomes without the usage of metagenomic/genomic reads.
- Introduce "vb-vs" and "vb-vs-dvf" to the "identify_method" option to allow using the overlapped virus identification results for downstream analysis.
- Provide flowchart.
- Provide "scf2lytic_or_lyso.summary.txt" for the VIBRANT result, "vRhyme_best_bin_lytic_and_lysogenic_info.txt" and "vRhyme_best_bin_scaffold_complete_info.txt" for vRhyme generated vRhyme_best_bins. Then, based on the formulas of "Lytic and lysogenic viruses/scaffolds" (See "Notes - Lytic and lysogenic viruses can bin together" in "Output Explanations"), make modified vRhyme_best_bins (some bins are split into scaffolds). The corresponding downstream analysis has also been changed accordingly.
- Add visualization output directory.
Add two additional bypasses for identifying viruses from metagenomes: vs - VirSorter2 and CheckV; dvf - DeepVirFinder besides the default pass of vb - VIBRANT.
set up the VirSorter2, CheckV, and VIBRANT virus identification, curation, and annotation bypass mainly according to the SOP provided by Matthew Sullivan's group (OSU); the 'manual check' step changed to be 'automatic' with stringent criteria.
Complete GitHub README.
Change the construction of scripts.
Change the methods to feed arguments and run scripts in individual conda environments.
ViWrap is a wrapper to identify, bin, classify, and predict host-viral relationships for viruses from metagenomes. It leverages the advantages of currently available virus analyzing tools and provides a quick, intuitive, one-step pipeline to get viral sequences and corresponding properties.
ViWrap is built for studying viruses identified and reconstructed from metagenomes. It is suggested to be only used for viruses with hosts as bacteria, archaea, and microeukaryotes.
ViWrap was reported to generate many false positive vMAGs for identifying potential giant viruses (or nucleocytoviruses). Many identified giant viruses do not contain any typical GV markers.
ViWrap is an integrated wrapper/pipeline, the main contributors of each virus identifying, binning, classifying, and viral host predicting software within it should be acknowledged (Citations and links are provided):
Camargo, Antonio Pedro, Simon Roux, Frederik Schulz, Michal Babinski, Yan Xu, Bin Hu, Patrick SG Chain, Stephen Nayfach, and Nikos C. Kyrpides. "Identification of mobile genetic elements with geNomad." Nature Biotechnology (2023): 1-10.
Kieft, Kristopher, Zhichao Zhou, and Karthik Anantharaman. "VIBRANT: automated recovery, annotation and curation of microbial viruses, and evaluation of viral community function from genomic sequences." Microbiome 8, no. 1 (2020): 1-23.
VirSorter2: link to online paper
Guo, Jiarong, Ben Bolduc, Ahmed A. Zayed, Arvind Varsani, Guillermo Dominguez-Huerta, Tom O. Delmont, Akbar Adjie Pratama et al. "VirSorter2: a multi-classifier, expert-guided approach to detect diverse DNA and RNA viruses." Microbiome 9 (2021): 1-13.
DeepVirFinder: link to online paper
Ren, Jie, Kai Song, Chao Deng, Nathan A. Ahlgren, Jed A. Fuhrman, Yi Li, Xiaohui Xie, Ryan Poplin, and Fengzhu Sun. "Identifying viruses from metagenomic data using deep learning." Quantitative Biology 8 (2020): 64-77.
vContact2: link to online paper
Bin Jang, Ho, Benjamin Bolduc, Olivier Zablocki, Jens H. Kuhn, Simon Roux, Evelien M. Adriaenssens, J. Rodney Brister et al. "Taxonomic assignment of uncultivated prokaryotic virus genomes is enabled by gene-sharing networks." Nature biotechnology 37, no. 6 (2019): 632-639.
Kieft, Kristopher, Alyssa Adams, Rauf Salamzade, Lindsay Kalan, and Karthik Anantharaman. "vRhyme enables binning of viral genomes from metagenomes." Nucleic Acids Research 50, no. 14 (2022): e83-e83.
iPHoP (and software within it): link to online paper
Roux, Simon, Antonio Pedro Camargo, Felipe Hernandes Coutinho, Shareef M. Dabdoub, Bas E. Dutilh, Stephen Nayfach, and Andrew Tritt. "iPHoP: an integrated machine-learning framework to maximize host prediction for metagenome-assembled virus genomes." bioRxiv (2022): 2022-07.
- Identify and annotate viruses by geNomad, VIBRANT, VirSorter2, or DeepVirFinder
- Map reads (support both short and long reads) onto all input metagenome assemblies to get scaffold depth
- Bin vMAGs using vRhyme
- Classify vMAGs into genus using vContact2, into species using dRep
- Get virus quality using CheckV
- Get virus taxonomy using four approaches
- Get viral hosts using iPHoP
- Get virus genome abundance
- Get all virus genome information
Since ViWrap has many dependencies to be installed, it would be much easier to set up a conda environment instead of installing all dependencies in the global environment (make sure you have upfront conda installed on your server, i.e., miniconda3 or anaconda3; we only suggest to run in version 3.0+ conda). There are 12 conda envs associated with ViWrap, so it may be useful to keep these associated together in a directory separate from your normal conda installation, which will be referred to as /path/to/ViWrap_conda_environments
. Note: ensure that wherever you install the ViWrap conda envs has at least 17 Gb of storage available. ViWrap was tested extensively with an environment installed separately from the normal conda installation.
Choose one:
Install in separate directory:
conda create -c bioconda -c conda-forge -p /path/to/ViWrap_conda_environments/ViWrap python=3.8 biopython=1.80 mamba=1.3.0 numpy=1.24.2 pandas=1.5.3 pyfastx=0.8.4 matplotlib=3.6.3 seaborn=0.12.2 diamond=2.0.15 hmmer=3.3.2
conda activate /path/to/ViWrap_conda_environments/ViWrap
indicates the directory that you will need to use to store all conda environments for ViWrap -
Install in normal conda folder
conda create -c bioconda -c conda-forge -n ViWrap python=3.8 biopython=1.80 mamba=1.3.0 numpy=1.24.2 pandas=1.5.3 pyfastx=0.8.4 matplotlib=3.6.3 seaborn=0.12.2 diamond=2.0.15 hmmer=3.3.2
conda activate ViWrap
If you choose to proceed this route, you will just need to use the path to your ViWrap conda installation. It will look something like this:
git clone
cd ViWrap
chmod +x ViWrap scripts/*.py # Make all python scripts to be executable
PATH=`pwd`:$PATH # Add ViWrap to the PATH, so it can be called elsewhere in a terminal
wget -c
tar xzf v1.3.0.tar.gz;rm v1.3.0.tar.gz
cd ViWrap-1.3.0;chmod +x ViWrap scripts/*.py # Make all python scripts to be executable
PATH=`pwd`:$PATH # Add ViWrap to the PATH, so it can be called elsewhere in a terminal
("v1.3.0" should be replaced to the latest version)
ViWrap set_up_env --conda_env_dir /path/to/ViWrap_conda_environments
This will take several minutes depending on your current internet speed.
Note: /path/to/ViWrap_conda_environments
can be set anywhere on your server to contain ViWrap conda environments. If you use -n ViWrap
in the above step, you will input /path/to/miniconda3/envs
to --conda_env_dir
ViWrap will use the "-p" or "--prefix" option to specify where to write the environment files:
For example,conda create --prefix /tmp/test-env python=3.8
will create the environment named /tmp/test-env
which resides in /tmp/
instead of the default .conda
The following 12 conda environments will be set up, the estimated running time will be ~10 minutes, depending on your current internet speed:
625M ./ViWrap-Mapping
772M ./ViWrap-vRhyme
4.0G ./ViWrap-iPHoP
1.7G ./ViWrap-DVF
271M ./ViWrap-vs2
390M ./ViWrap-GTDBTk
540M ./ViWrap-dRep
102M ./ViWrap-CheckV
1.6G ./ViWrap-vContact2
88M ./ViWrap-Tax
153M ./ViWrap-VIBRANT
1.6G ./ViWrap-geNomad
Note: We have fixed the versions of Python modules to prevent potential errors caused by version upgrades. If you encounter any issues with these conda environments, please verify the module versions set in "scripts/".
ViWrap download --db_dir /path/to/ViWrap_db --conda_env_dir /path/to/ViWrap_conda_environments
is the place you store the ViWrap database. Please make sure there is enough space to store the database (~430G at least). It will take ~4 hours to set up well depending on your current internet speed. This is kind of tedious, however, you will only need to do this one time.
It contains the following 8 folders (call by du -h --max-depth=1 ./
within the directory of "ViWrap_db"):
11G ./VIBRANT_db
6.4G ./CheckV_db
114M ./DVF_db
829M ./Tax_classification_db
318G ./iPHoP_db
11G ./VirSorter2_db
82G ./GTDB_db
1.4G ./genomad_db
Since some software (VirSorter2) needs to config the database address into the conda environment, it is suggest to first set up the environments, then set up the databases.
Once you have replaced any conda environments, it is better to re-check/re-install the corresponding conda environments (especially for the case of VirSorter2)
Since some db folders are restricted within the creator's rights, if anyone else in the group who wants to use ViWrap, the db folder rights should be opened by using
chmod -R 777 ./
ViWrap -h
ViWrap run -h
Conda env:
Software Version Software Version VIBRANT v1.2.1 dRep v3.4.0 vRhyme v1.1.0 DIAMOND (within ViWrap-Tax) v2.0.15 vContact2 v0.11.0 iPHoP v1.3.3 CheckV v1.0.1 GTDB-Tk v2.3.2 VirSorter2 v2.2.3 Bowtie2 (within ViWrap-Mapping) v2.4.5 Minimap2 v2.24 DeepVirFinder v2020.11.21 geNomad v1.7.4 -
db Version db Version NCBI RefSeq viral sequences the latest ICTV Master Species List 2022 MSL38.v3 VOG HMM VOG 97 IMGVR high-quality vOTU rep v4.1 iPHoP db iPHoP_db_Aug23_rw GTDB-Tk db release 214 VirSorter2 db the latest DVF db (models) v1.0 geNomad db the latest -
Running setting
(note: here only shows some specific settings; default settings or user-adjustable settings are not included)
Command option explanation setting run_virsorter2 --keep-original-seq keep the original sequences instead of trimmed N/A --min-score minimal score to be identified as viral 0.5 filter_sorted_bam (coverm) --min-read-aligned-length exclude reads with smaller numbers of aligned bases 50 (short reads) 500 (long reads) run_vrhyme --red maximum number of redundant proteins per bin 5 run_vcontact2 --rel-mode method to use to create the protein-protein similarity edge file Diamond --db select a reference database to de novo cluster proteins against None --pcs-mode whether to use ClusterONE or MCL for Protein Cluster (PC) generation MCL --vcs-mode whether to use ClusterONE or MCL for Viral Cluster (VC) generation ClusterONE run_drep (dRep dereplicate) --ignoreGenomeQuality don't run checkM or do any quality filtering N/A -pa ANI threshold to form primary (MASH) clusters 0.8 -sa ANI threshold to form secondary clusters 0.95 -nc minmum level of overlap between genomes when doing secondary comparisons 0.85 -comW completeness weight (SCORING CRITERIA) 0 -conW contamination weight (SCORING CRITERIA) 0 -strW strain heterogeneity weight (SCORING CRITERIA) 0 -N50W weight of log(genome N50) (SCORING CRITERIA) 0 -sizeW weight of log(genome size) (SCORING CRITERIA) 1 -centW weight of (centrality - S_ani) (SCORING CRITERIA) 0 run_diamond_to_RefSeq_viral_protein_db (diamond) --evalue maximum e-value to report alignments 0.00001 --query-cover minimum query cover% to report an alignment 50 --subject-cover minimum subject cover% to report an alignment 50 -k maximum number of target sequences to report alignments for 10000 run_hmmsearch_to_marker_VOG_HMM_db (hmmsearch) -E report sequences <= this E-value threshold in output 0.01 run_iphop (iphop predict) --no_qc bypass the automated QC that filters out input sequences with > 10% Ns or with characters other than ATCGN N/A run_geNomad (geNomad virus identifying) --conservative-taxonomy being conservative on taxonomical classification N/A
: Run the full wrapper for identifying, classifying, and characterizing virus genomes from metagenomesNote: Before running, please check the header of each input metagenome sequence. Since in the downstream analysis we will add
in front of each sequence header, the double understores__
will be used as the internal splitter. It is suggested to avoid using__
in your input metagenome, or replace it with other markers.# Usage: ViWrap run --input_metagenome <input metagenome assemblies> --input_reads <input metagenomic reads> --out_dir <output directory> [options] # Example 1 (minimal required inputs): ViWrap run --input_metagenome /path/to/Lake_01_assemblies.fasta \ --input_reads /path/to/Lake_01_T1_1.fastq,/path/to/Lake_01_T1_2.fastq,/path/to/Lake_01_T2_1.fastq,/path/to/Lake_01_T2_2.fastq \ --out_dir ./ViWrap_Lake_01_outdir \ --db_dir /path/to/ViWrap_db \ --identify_method vb \ --conda_env_dir /path/to/ViWrap_conda_environments # Example 2 (with custom MAGs from the same metagenome provided for further host prediction) ViWrap run --input_metagenome /path/to/Lake_01_assemblies.fasta \ --input_reads /path/to/Lake_01_T1_1.fastq,/path/to/Lake_01_T1_2.fastq,/path/to/Lake_01_T2_1.fastq,/path/to/Lake_01_T2_2.fastq \ --out_dir ./ViWrap_Lake_01_outdir \ --db_dir /path/to/ViWrap_db \ --identify_method vs \ --conda_env_dir /path/to/ViWrap_conda_environments \ --threads 30 \ --virome \ --input_length_limit 5000 \ --custom_MAGs_dir /path/to/custom_MAGs_dir --iPHoP_db_custom /path/to/iPHoP_db_custom
: Download and setup the ViWrap database# Note: requires wget, tar, and gzip to be installed # Usage: ViWrap download --db_dir <output directory for the database> --conda_env_dir <conda env dir> # Example: ViWrap download --db_dir /path/to/ViWrap_db --conda_env_dir /path/to/ViWrap_conda_environments
: Set up the conda environments for all scripts# Usage: ViWrap set_up_env --conda_env_dir /path/to/ViWrap_conda_environments
: Clean redundant information in each result directory# Usage: ViWrap clean --out_dir ./ViWrap_Lake_01_outdir # if you have set the "custom_MAGs_dir" option, you can do like this: ViWrap clean --out_dir ./ViWrap_Lake_01_outdir --custom_MAGs_dir /path/to/custom_MAGs_dir
: (required) input metagenome assembly. It can be a metagenome or entire virome assembly. The extension of the input nucleotide sequence should be ".fasta". -
: (required) input metagenomic reads. The input paired reads should be "forward_1.fastq or forward_R1.fastq" and "reverse_2.fastq or reverse_R2.fastq" connected by ",". Multiple paired reads can be provided at the same time for one metagenome assembly, connected by ",". For example:-r /path/to/Lake_01_T1_1.fastq,/path/to/Lake_01_T1_2.fastq,/path/to/Lake_01_T2_1.fastq,/path/to/Lake_01_T2_2.fastq
Note that the extension of the input reads should be ".fastq" or ".fastq.gz". -
: input metagenomic reads type. The default is "illumina". If you are using long reads, you will need to assign: pacbio - PacBio CLR reads, pacbio_hifi - PacBio HiFi/CCS reads, pacbio_asm20 - PacBio HiFi/CCS reads (asm20), nanopore - Oxford Nanopore reads. We use minimap2 to run long reads -
: reads mapping identity cutoff. The default is "0.97". "0.97" is suitable for all illumina reads and also suitable for PacBio Sequel II (HiFi) or Nanopore PromethION Q20+ reads. For other PacBio or Nanopore reads with high error rate, the id cutoff is suggested to be 1 - error rate, i.e., 0.85 (if the error rate is 15%) -
: (required) output directory to deposit all results (default = ./ViWrap_outdir) output folder to deposit all results. ViWrap will exit if the folder already exists. -
: (required) database directory (default = $current_dir/ViWrap_db). -
: (required) the virus identifying method to choose: vb - VIBRANT; vs - VirSorter2 and CheckV; dvf - DeepVirFinder; genomad - geNomad (default, fast with good virus identification performance); vb-vs - Use VIBRANT and VirSorter2 to get the overlapped viruses; vb-vs-dvf - Use all these three methods and get the overlapped viruses. "vb-vs" is recommended by us since overlapped virus identification will provide more confident results. "vb-vs-dvf" would be too stringent to provide comprehensive virus identification results. -
: (required) the directory where you put your conda environment files. It is the parent directory that contains all the conda environment folders. -
: number of threads (default = 10). -
: edit VIBRANT's sensitivity if the input dataset is a virome. It is suggested to use it if you know that the input assembly is virome or metagenome. -
: length in base pairs (bps) to limit input sequences (default=2000, can increase but not decrease); 2000 at least suggested for VIBRANT (vb)/geNomad (genomad)-based pipeline, 5000 at least suggested for VirSorter2 (vs)-based pipeline. -
: custom MAGs dir that contains only *.fasta files for MAGs reconstructed from the same metagenome, this will be used in iPHoP for further host prediction; note that it should be the absolute address path. -
: custom iPHoP db that will be generated by your input custom MAGs; note that it should be the absolute address path. -
: custom iPHoP db that has been made from the previous run, this will be used in iPHoP for host prediction by custom db; note that it should be the absolute address path.Note that:
(1) if you use
, you should also use--iPHoP_db_custom
to assign the output address of the generated custom iPHoP db.(2) If you use
, you should not use--custom_MAGs_dir
. Simply assign the custom iPHoP db that has been made from the previous run as the input of this option.
# TEST 1: Only use reads and metagenomic assembly
# example code for testing:
ViWrap run --input_metagenome test_metaG.fasta \
--input_reads reads_1.fastq.gz,reads_2.fastq.gz \
--out_dir test_metaG_ViWrap_out \
--db_dir /storage1/data11/ViWrap/ViWrap_db \ # Change according to your case
--identify_method vb-vs \
--conda_env_dir /slowdata/yml_environments \ # Change according to your case
--threads 20 \
--input_length_limit 5000
# The total running time for TEST 1 is about 2 hrs
# TEST 2: Use reads, metagenomic assembly, and custom MAGs (binned from the same metagenome)
# example code for testing:
ViWrap run --input_metagenome test_metaG.fasta \
--input_reads reads_1.fastq.gz,reads_2.fastq.gz \
--out_dir test_metaG_ViWrap_out \
--db_dir /storage1/data11/ViWrap/ViWrap_db \ # Change according to your case
--identify_method vb \
--conda_env_dir /slowdata/yml_environments \ # Change according to your case
--threads 20 \
--input_length_limit 5000 \
--custom_MAGs_dir custom_MAGs_dir \
--iPHoP_db_custom iPHoP_db_custom
# The total running time for TEST 2 is about 19 hrs
: the virus identification result (would be "00_VirSorter_input_metagenome_stem_name", "00_DeepVirFinder_input_metagenome_stem_name", "00_VIBRANT_VirSorter_input_metagenome_stem_name", or "00_VIBRANT_VirSorter_DeepVirFinder_input_metagenome_stem_name")01_Mapping_result_outdir
: the reads mapping result02_vRhyme_outdir
: vRhyme binning result03_vConTACT2_outdir
: vConTACT2 classifying result04_Nlinked_viral_gn_dir
: N-linked viral genome as CheckV inputs05_CheckV_outdir
: CheckV result06_dRep_outdir
: dRep clustering result07_iPHoP_outdir
: iPHoP result for host prediction08_ViWrap_summary_outdir
: Summarized results09_Virus_statistics_visualization
: Visualized statistics of virusesViWrap_run.log
: running log file containing the issued command and time log
- '>' : folder
- '-' : file
> 08_ViWrap_summary_outdir
- Genus_cluster_info.txt # Virus genus clusters
- Species_cluster_info.txt # Virus species clusters
- Host_prediction_to_genome_m90.csv # Host prediction result at genome level
- Host_prediction_to_genus_m90.csv # Host prediction result at genus level
- Sample2read_info.txt # Reads counts and bases
- Tax_classification_result.txt # Virus taxonomy result
- Virus_annotation_results.txt # Virus annotation result
> Virus_genomes_files # Contains all fasta, faa, ffn files for virus genomes
- vRhyme*.fasta
- vRhyme*.faa
- vRhyme*.ffn
- Virus_normalized_abundance.txt # Normalized virus genome abundance (normalized by 100M reads/sample)
- Virus_raw_abundance.txt # Raw virus genome abundance
- Virus_summary_info.txt # Summarized property for all virus genomes
> AMG_statistics # Contains AMG protein info, statistics, and protein sequences
- AMG_pro2info.txt
- Gn2amg_statistics.txt
- AMG_pros.faa
'>' : folder
'-' : file
> 09_Virus_statistics_visualization > Result_visualization_inputs - virus_statistics.txt - virus_family_relative_abundance.txt - KO_ID_relative_abundance.txt # The relative abundance of KO among all KOs (KO assigned to AMG) - KO_metabolism_relative_abundance.txt > Result_visualization_outputs - virus_statistics.png # the 1st bar-chart - virus_family_relative_abundance.png # the 1st pie-chart - KO_ID_relative_abundance.png # the 2nd bar-chart - KO_metabolism_relative_abundance.png # the 2nd pie-chart - virus_statistics.pdf - virus_family_relative_abundance.pdf - KO_ID_relative_abundance.pdf - KO_metabolism_relative_abundance.pdf
The default setting for each software
Generally, we all use the default settings for identifying, binning, classifying, and predicting viruses, due to that the default settings are mostly suggested by the inventors and we want to make ViWrap be intuitive and easy to use.
Using VIBRANT or VirSorter2 to get prophage information
If you want to have prophage information in your final results, we will avoid solely using DVF to identify viruses. You can use "vb", ''vs", "vb-vs", "genomad" (default), or "vb-vs-dvf" identification methods to get final results that will include prophage information.
Using "run_wo_reads" will only provide viral scaffold results
- Since vRhyme needs scaffold coverage information for virus binning. Using "run_wo_reads" will not give viral binning results; each viral scaffold will be treated as a viral genome in the downstream analysis after viral binning. In the end, it will generate viral abundance results neither.
- It will only generate five result folders:
, and05_ViWrap_summary_outdir
- This method will facilitate identify viruses from both metagenomes and genomes without the usage of metagenomic/genomic reads.
Lytic and lysogenic viruses can bin together (copied from vRhyme GitHub page)
Lytic cycle: productive infection that leads to release of viral particles; strictly lytic viruses do not integrate
Lysogenic cycle: non-productive infection where viral particles are not released; lysogenic viruses integrate and are dormant until entering the lytic cycle (some exceptions); often encode an integrase
When viewing binned sequences that have "lysogenic/lytic" labels from another software (e.g., VIBRANT, VirSorter) it may seem concerning to see a lytic virus bin with a lysogenic virus. Although this may be a reason to be skeptical of contamination, here are some explanations of what may be occurring:
- software tools that label lysogenic/lytic can make mistakes or be misled. For example, if a sequence does not encode an integrase or other lysogenic features then VIBRANT will label it as "lytic". If this is a virus genome fragment and another fragment of the same genome (different sequence) contains an integrase then that other fragment will be labeled as "lysogenic". When binning, those two sequence can be place into the same bin by vRhyme to produce an accurate bin with a lytic and lysogenic member.
- A bin with one or more lytic members and one lysogenic member should not cause concern.
- A bin with one or more lytic members and one integrated prophage should be examined.
- A bin with two or more lysogenic members, each encoding an integrase, is likely contamination.
- A bin with two or more integrated prophages, regardless of integrases, from multiple parent sequences is likely contamination.
Based on the above description, here, we provided formulas for automatically assigning the virus bins:
# Formulas: # Case 1: 1 lysogenic_scaffold + N lytic_scaffold => lysogenic_virus # Case 2: 1 integrated_prophage + N lytic_scaffold => split into scaffolds # Case 3: N (N >= 2) of lysogenic_scaffold or integrated_prophage + N lytic_scaffold => split into scaffolds # Case 4: N lytic_scaffold => lytic_virus
Please contact Zhichao Zhou ([email protected] or GitHub Issues) with any questions, concerns or comments.
Thank you for using ViWrap!
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ViWrap Copyright (C) 2022 Zhichao Zhou
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see