- Hydrology project https://github.com/cyber-carpentry/group7_repo/blob/master/hydrology/README.md
- Machine learning project https://github.com/cyber-carpentry/group7_repo/blob/master/machine_learning/README.md
- Chen -MIT
- Jay -Cleveland Clinic
- An -LSU
- Reproduce Sadler et al. (2018) workflow
- Practice container, singularity, and snakemake
- Machine learning
- Run singularity on cloudv
- Sadler et al. 2018 paper preprint - http://faculty.virginia.edu/goodall/Sadler_JHE_2018_Preprint.pdf
- Sadler et al. 2018 paper GitHub repository - https://github.com/uva-hydroinformatics/flood_data
- Sadler et al. 2018 paper Hydroshare repository - https://www.hydroshare.org/resource/9db60cf6c8394a0fa24777c8b9363a9b/
- Other materials https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1T4bUQztoRkm5S6P6fnpC-a5FttteE-jz
- dockerfile with all required environment to run the hydrology project workflow
- the workflow include 3 preporocessing python scripts and 1 R script
- project preparation: read paper, make plan, gather script and data
- fix bugs for each script, including 3 preprocssing scripts, 1 model script
- run multiple scripts pipeline using workflow
- containerize the workflow