A tool that pulls relevant blockchain information from IBM's X-Force Threat Intelligence & AlienVault's OpenThreatExchange API. Built upon the Open Threat Exchange Python SDK at https://github.com/AlienVault-OTX/OTX-Python-SDK.
- Main script is 'otx_tool.py'
- Required dependencies (install using pip):
- pandas
- gspread
- oauth2client
OTX reports on and receives threat data in the form of pulses.
a pulse consists of 1+ indicator of compromise (IOC) that constitute a threat or sequence of actions that could be used to carry out attacks on network devices/computers.
pulses also provide information on the reliability of the threat info, who reported the threat, and other details of threat investigations
OTX provides the 'DirectConnect SDK' for Python: https://github.com/AlienVault-OTX/OTX-Python-SDK
- install with
pip install OTXv2
- install with
link to user guide for OTX: https://www.alienvault.com/documentation/resources/pdf/otx-user-guide.pdf