A script to help with OpenFLIXR setup.
IMPORTANT! This script is no longer maintained and looking for a maintainer. If you are interested in maintaining this script, please post a message on the OpenFLIXR Discord server.
You may continue using OpenFLIXR as is but support will be limited until a maintainer is found to update the code, etc.
NOTE: While this will help you get started, it doesn't get you to a fully functioning box, you will still need to do some configuring of the various applications once complete.
As of OpenFLIXR 2.9, the setup script is included!
Visit the wiki for setup information
Visit the wiki for information on troubleshooting issues with Setup
Want to help with testing new development work and features of the setup? We'd really appreciate it! Ask on Discord what the current development branch is, then do the following.
sudo setupopenflixr -u <branch>
sudo setupopenflixr -d
After running through the setup, let us know how it went and send us your logs.
Thanks to OpenFLIXR for being an awesome setup that motivated me to work on this as well as a bunch of other projects.
Thanks to Jeremy for making the guide for how to setup OpenFLIXR when the WebWizard went down that helped me build the original version of this script.
Thanks to GhostWriters, specifically their work on DockSTARTer and the framework they built for scripts!