Based on kartoza/docker-geoserver, stripped down and modified to fit sat4envi requirements.
- GeoServer 2.19.1,
- GeoTools 25.1 (patched),
- Tomcat 9.0.46.
- docker
, - git lfs.
Pre-build the required files by running ./
It will build the GeoServer, extract the PRG archive and prepare GeoServer data_dir.
Then run docker build .
to build the image.
When publishing the image, tag it when building with docker build -t fiddev/geoserver:<version> .
And then docker push fiddev/geoserver:<version>
To create a container run:
docker run \
-e S3_ENDPOINT="http://minio:9000/" \
-e S3_ACCESS_KEY="minio" \
-e S3_SECRET_KEY="minio123" \
-e GWC_BUCKET="s4e-gwc" \
-e GWC_ENDPOINT="http://minio:9000" \
-e GWC_AWS_ACCESS_KEY="minio" \
-e GWC_AWS_SECRET_KEY="minio123" \
-e JNDI_URL="jdbc:postgresql://db:5432/sat4envi" \
-e JNDI_USERNAME="sat4envi" \
-e JNDI_PASSWORD="sat4envi" \
-v <path/to/data_dir>:/opt/geoserver/data_dir \
-v <optionally/path/to/custom/cache/config.xml>:/opt/geoserver/s3-cache.xml \
-p 8080:8080 -d <image-tag>
The default GeoServer user is 'admin' with password 'geoserver'.
It should be customized with GEOSERVER_ADMIN_PASSWORD
as shown above.
to specify JVM options, such as memory requirements.
Data dir should be mounted. In case it is empty, it will be initialized with a pre-built data_dir. This template disables services other than WMS and doesn't contain any more data.
A default S3 cache is used, which is specified in s3-cache.xml.
It can be customized by mounting an alternative configuration under /opt/geoserver/s3-cache.xml
In particular, GeoServer s3-geotiff module uses ehCache 2.10.3.
By default, GWC cache with S3 blob store is used for tile caching.
It requires a separate configuration from the scene data access (the envvars GWC_*
and can be configured to use a local minio while scenes are loaded from Ceph.
It stores the data in s4e-gwc
bucket (created automatically if doesn't exist) if not configured otherwise.
The release versions should follow the scheme {MAJOR}.{MINOR}.{PATCH}-GS{GS-VERSION}
, for example 1.0.0-GS2.15.1
To update the GeoServer version, cd geoserver
, git fetch
to get the current references
and git checkout {GS-VERSION}
Then go back to root directory, stage the changes and commit.
The built image should now have updated GeoServer.
The kartoza/docker-geoserver developers:
- Tim Sutton ([email protected])
- Shane St Clair ([email protected])
- Alex Leith ([email protected])
- Admire Nyakudya ([email protected])