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EOSC Marketplace OMS JIRA Adapter

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OMS Jira adapter allows interaction between Marketplace and JIRA in order to fulfill users' orders.


OMS JIRA Adapter works as a microservice and exposes API to the Marketplace.

The inner structure can be described as two elements:

  • thin web service part based on Celery and Flask

Development environment


All required project packages are listed in the pipfile. For their installation look at the setup section.


  1. Install git, python and pipenv
  2. Clone this repository and go to its root directory
git clone
  1. Install all required project packages by executing
pipenv --dev install
  1. To open project virtual environment shell, type:
pipenv shell

DB Migrations

Application uses sqlalchemy as an orm wrapper and alembic (wrapped in flask-migrations) as a migration engine.

Check documentation for the above libraries for details, but here's a short version:

Migrate database to the newest version:

flask db upgrade

Create new migration based on the changes in the models:

flask db migrate -m "name_of_migration"


Launch OMS Jira adapter server by executing in the project root directory:

export FLASK_ENV=development
pipenv run flask run

NOTE: You can customize flask host and flask port by using FLASK_RUN_HOST and FLASK_RUN_PORT env variables accordingly.


To run background tasks you also need a celery worker running alongside your server. To run the worker:

export FLASK_ENV=development
pipenv run celery -A worker:app worker --loglevel=info

NOTE: Celery needs a running redis broker server in the background.


NOTE: It is recommended for the developers to use docker-compose to run all the background servers (see docker section below).

OMS Jira adapter is running celery to execute background tasks in a queue. In the development environment we are assuming that the redis is running on redis://localhost:36379.

NOTE: You can customize your redis host url using REDIS_HOST env variable.


NOTE: It is recommended for the developers to use docker-compose to run all the background servers (see docker section below).

Install and start the postgres server. It is expected to be available on url mongodb://localhost:35432.

NOTE: You can customize your postgresql host path in OMS_DB_HOST env variable.


You can interact with OMS Jira adapter microservice using API available (by default) here: http://localhost:9000/


To run all background servers needed for development (redis, postgresql) it is recommended that you use Docker:

docker-compose up

Postgresql will be exposed and available on your host on, and redis on, although you can change them using OMS_DB_HOST and REDIS_HOST env variables accordingly.

NOTE: You still need to set up Flask server and celery worker as shown above. This is advantageous over the next option because you can run pytest from your IDE, easily debug the application, easily restart the broken flask server and additionally you don't need to rebuild your docker image if your dependencies change.

For full-stack local development deployment use:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f development.yml up

This will build application images and run base flask development server on (you can customize flask port and host using env variables). This command will also run celery worker, mongo and redis. You can immediately change the server code without restarting the containers.


To run all the tests in our app run:

export FLASK_ENV=testing
pipenv run pytest ./tests

...or you can run them using docker:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.testing.yml up && docker-compose -f docker-compose.testing.yml down

ENV variables

We are using .env to store instance specific constants or secrets. This file is not tracked by git and it needs to be present in the project root directory. Details:

  • OMS_ID - OMS ID as defined in the marketplace
  • OMS_MP_TOKEN - User authentication token for the MP (required for API auth)
  • OMS_MP_URL - URL to the root of the marketplace with which adapter instance should communicate
  • OMS_DB_HOST - url and port of your running database server (example: postgresql://postgres:[email protected]:35432/oms_jira) or desired url and port of your database server when ran using docker-compose (recommended)
  • OMS_REDIS_HOST - url and port of your running redis server (example: or desired url and port of your redis server when ran using docker-compose (recommended)
  • FLASK_RUN_HOST - desired url of your application server (example:
  • FLASK_RUN_PORT - desired port of your application server (example: 9000)
  • CELERY_LOG_LEVEL - log level of your celery worker when ran using docker (one of: CRITICAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO or DEBUG)
  • SENTRY_DSN - The DSN tells the sentry where to send the events (example: https://[email protected]/7284791). If that variable does not exist, sentry will just not send any events.
  • SENTRY_ENVIRONMENT - environment name - it's optional and it can be a free-form string. If not specified and using docker, it is set to development/testing/production respectively to the docker environment.
  • SENTRY_RELEASE - human readable release name - it's optional and it can be a free-form string. If not specified, sentry automatically set it based on commit revision number.

NOTE: All the above variables have reasonable defaults, so if you want you can just have your .env file empty.

PyCharm Integrations


Install EnvFile plugin. Go to the run configuration of your choice, switch to EnvFile tab, check Enable EnvFile, click + button below, select .env file and click Apply (Details on the plugin's page)


In Pycharm, go to Settings -> Tools -> Python Integrated Tools -> Testing and choose pytest Remember to put FLASK_ENV=testing env variable in the configuration.

External tools integration


Sentry is integrated with the flask server and the celery task queue manager so all unhandled exceptions from these entities will be tracked and sent to the sentry. Customization of the sentry ntegration can be done vie environmental variables (look into ENV variables section) - more about them here


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