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ingame launcher for fnf mod states


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ingame launcher for fnf mod states


just drag into your mods folder and you're good to go!

when in the main menu, press TAB to open the launcher ui and your BACK key to close it

in the launcher, you will see banners of any mods that have bound to the launcher

you can navigate between them with your UI_LEFT and UI_RIGHT keys, and press your ACCEPT key to "launch" the selected mod

you can also cancel the selection by pressing BACK before the state transition starts



no mods example

bound mods example

for developers

to bind your mod, you must call bind from the modlauncher.Registry module and pass in a single struct with the following fields:

field type description
name String the name of your mod as it will appear in the launcher
target String class name of the ScriptedMusicBeatState you want to open
logoPath String the path to your mod's logo (will be passed into Paths.image)
defaults to the modlauncher icon
selectSoundPath Null<String> the path to your mod's select sound (will be passed into Paths.sound)
defaults to "confirmMenu"
selectDuration Null<Float> the time in seconds from when the player selcts your mod to the end of the state transition, minimum 1.5
the selection is cancellable until 0.5 seconds before this duration (when the state transition starts)
defaults to 1.5
onSetup Null<(Dynamic)->Void> callback to run when modlauncher is injected into the main menu, useful for setting up your mod banner in the launcher
onUpdate Null<(Dynamic, Float)->Void> callback to run every frame while the launcher is open, useful for animating your banner
the 2nd parameter is delta time in seconds
onFocus Null<(Dynamic)->Void> callback to run when your mod is "focused" on
onUnfocus Null<(Dynamic)->Void> callback to run when another mod is focused on away from yours
onSelect Null<(Dynamic)->Void> callback to run when your mod is selected
onCancel Null<(Dynamic)->Void> callback to run when your mod selection is cancelled before the state transition starts
onInit Null<(Dynamic)->Void> callback to run after your mod is selected and right before your target state is initialized, useful for "initializing" your mod

the Dynamic parameter passed into the callbacks is the same as the struct you passed into bind, but with a few more fields used for the banner:

field type description
camera FunkinCamera the camera of your mod's banner in the launcher
groupBG FlxTypedSpriteGroup bg group for your mod's banner
groupUI FlxTypedSpriteGroup ui group for your mod's banner
logo FunkinSprite the logo of your mod, part of groupUI

if you modify or add to this parameter, it will carry over into the callbacks

example binding:

package exampleMod;

import flixel.tweens.FlxEase;
import flixel.tweens.FlxTween;

import funkin.modding.module.ModuleHandler;
import funkin.modding.module.ScriptedModule;

class LauncherBinding extends ScriptedModule {
	public function new() {
	override public function onCreate(event:ScriptEvent):Void {
	private function tryBind():Void {
		var launcher:Null<ScriptedModule> = null;
		if ((launcher = ModuleHandler.getModule("modlauncher.Registry")) != null) {
			launcher.scriptCall("bind", [{
				name: "Example Mod",
				target: "exampleMod.states.InitState",
				logoPath: "exampleMod/logo",
				selectSoundPath: "exampleMod/launcherSelectSound",
				selectSoundLength: 2.5,
				onSetup: function(data:Dynamic):Void { = 0xff808080;
					data.logo.scale.set(0.5, 0.5);
					var mySprite:FunkinSprite = new FunkinSprite().loadTexture("exampleMod/mySprite");
					data.mySprite = mySprite;
				onSelect: function(data:Dynamic):Void {, 0.5, null, true);
					FlxTween.globalManager.cancelTweensOf(data.logo.scale, ["x", "y"]);
					data.logo.scale.set(0.45, 0.45);
					FlxTween.tween(data.logo.scale, {x: 0.75, y: 0.75}, 1.5, {ease: FlxEase.expoOut});
				onCancel: function(data:Dynamic):Void {
					FlxTween.globalManager.cancelTweensOf(data.logo.scale, ["x", "y"]);
					FlxTween.tween(data.logo.scale, {x: 0.5, y: 0.5}, 0.5, {ease: FlxEase.expoOut});
				onUpdate: function(data:Dynamic, elapsed:Float):Void {
					data.mySprite.angle += 90 * elapsed;
				onInit: function(data:Dynamic):Void {
					ModuleHandler.getModule("exampleMod.Globals").scriptSet("myVariable", true);
		// bind to other fnf mod launchers maybe? up to you
		ModuleHandler.getModule("cynlib.reloader.Reloader").scriptGet("reloadPre").set("exampleMod.LauncherBinding", {
			callback: "tryBind"


bound mods do not persist through polymod reload! you must re-bind your mods using the reloader module like in the example above