Next Active Directory Integration allows WordPress to authenticate, authorize, create and update users against Microsoft Active Directory. Next ADI ist a complete rewrite of its predecessor Active Directory Integration. You can easily import users from your Active Directory into your WordPress instance and keep both synchronized through Next Active Directory Integration's features.
If you like this plug-in we'd like to encourage you to purchase a support plan from to support the ongoing development of this plug-in.
As of 2021-12-09 NADI did no longer support PHP version < 7.4. The reason is that security support for PHP 7.3 and below has beeen dropped by the maintainers as you can see in the official PHP documentation For security reasons and in order to use NADI in 2022 we hereby politely encourage you to migrate your environments to at least PHP 7.4 until then.
Thank you all for your support and understanding.
You can download the ready-to-use version from the Plugin Directory or from the SVN repository hosted by
Clone this Git repository inside the wp-content/plugins directory of your WordPress environment.
After the cloning you have to update the dependencies with help of Composer (execute composer install
inside the cloned repository folder).
To install composer follow the instructions on
Tests are made with PHPUnit 9.5 Get PHPUnit 9.5 with
# get PHPUnit
cd active-directory-integration2
# run unit tests with default PHPUnit configuration
php ./vendor/bin/phpunit --testsuite "unit" --configuration phpunit.xml
cd active-directory-integration2
# running integration test against a local install Active Directory instance
# executing the ITs with PHP binary is required for of passing environment variables to the test
php -d AD_ENDPOINT= -d AD_PORT=389 -d [email protected] -d AD_PASSWORD=Password -d AD_USE_TLS='' -d [email protected] -d AD_BASE_DN='DC=domain,DC=com' path/to/phpunit.phar --testsuite "integration" --no-coverage
cd active-directory-integration2
# running integration test against a local install Active Directory instance
# executing the ITs with PHP binary is required for of passing environment variables to the test
php -d AD_ENDPOINT= -d AD_PORT=389 -d [email protected] -d AD_PASSWORD=Password -d AD_USE_TLS='' -d [email protected] -d AD_BASE_DN='DC=domain,DC=com' path/to/phpunit.phar --no-coverage
Run > Edit Configurations > Defaults > PHPUnit
- Test Runner options:
--test-suffix Test.php,IT.php
- Interpreter options:
-d AD_ENDPOINT= -d AD_PORT=389 -d AD_USERNAME=Administrator -d AD_PASSWORD=Pa$$w0rd -d AD_USE_TLS='' -d [email protected] -d AD_BASE_DN='DC=test,DC=ad'
After changing the next_ad_int-de_DE.po you have to build the
# Execute this command inside the plugin root folder (with the index.php)
ant compile-all-languages
# or execute this:
ant -Dmsgfmt=/path/to/gettext/msgfmt compile-all-languages
Make sure that you have GNU gettext with msgfmt installed.
It is also possible to generate the
with Poedit (or some other .po tool). You can create a copy from the
file and name it
We are using GitHub Action for the CI/CD process. You can find everything related to CI/CD inside .github/workflows
The branches
- master/main
- and develop
will be automatically tested.
Every pushed tag will be automatically tested. After a succesful test, it gets uploaded to
To create a new release:
git tag -a ${VERSION} -m "release of ${VERSION}"
git push origin ${VERSION}