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A Clojure library for stubbing out calls to the http-kit client in tests.

Build Status

[http-kit.fake "0.2.1"]


Use the with-fake-http macro to fake some HTTP responses.

  (:use org.httpkit.fake)
  (:require [org.httpkit.client :as http]))

;; denying all http-traffic
(with-fake-http []
  (http/get "")) ; IllegalArgumentException (blocked)

;; simple requests and responses
(with-fake-http ["" "faked"
                 "" 500]
  (:body @(http/get ""))    ; "faked"
  (:status @(http/get ""))) ; 500

;; matching a specific request method
(with-fake-http [{:url "" :method :post} {:status 201 :body "ok"}]
  (:status @(http/post "")) ; 201
  (http/get  ""))           ; IllegalArgumentException (blocked)

;; using a regex on the URL
(with-fake-http [#"^https?://" "ok"]
  (:body @(http/get "")) ; "ok"
  (:body @(http/get ""))) ; "ok"

;; allowing traffic on some URLs
(with-fake-http [#"https?://localhost/" :allow]
  (http/get "http://localhost/foo")) ; <<some real response>> (:allow)

;; explicitly denying traffic
(with-fake-http [#"^http://localhost/unsafe" :deny
                 #"^http://localhost/" :allow]
  (http/get "http://localhost/foo")     ; <<some real response>> (:allow)
  (http/get "http://localhost/unsafe")) ; IllegalArgumentException (:deny)
;; using low-level http-kit/request method with older http-fake(<0.2.2)
;; requires explicit callback function for workaround
(with-fake-http ["" "ok"]
  (http/request {:url "", :method :get}) (fn [resp] resp))
;; newer versions work without explicit callback-function
(with-fake-http ["" "ok"]
  (http/request {:url "", :method :get}))

The spec argument is a vector of key-value pairs—as in a let binding form—in which the keys contain a predicate for the request and the values are the responses to be returned.

The predicates may take one of the following forms:

  1. A function accepting a Map (request opts) and returning true on a match.
  2. A String, which must be an exact match on the URL.
  3. A Regex, which must match on the URL.
  4. A Map, whose keys and values must match the same keys and values in the request. Values may be specified as Regexes.

The responses may take one of the following forms:

  1. A function accepting the actual (unstubbed) #'org.httpkit.client/request fn, the request opts Map and a callback function as arguments.
  2. A String, which is then used as the :body of the response.
  3. An Integer, which is then used as the :status of the response.
  4. A Map, which is used as the actual response Map, merged with some defaults.
  5. The keyword :allow, which whitelists this request and allows the real connection.
  6. The keyword :deny, which blacklists this request and throws an IllegalArgumentException if it is attempted.

Each predicate is tested in the order in which they are specified. As soon as the first predicate matches, the response is invoked. If none of the predicates match, an IllegalArgumentException is thrown and the request is disallowed.

Advanced Usage

Internally the request predicates in the examples above are converted to function predicates. Likewise, the responses in the examples above are converted to handler functions. You may specify your own functions if you need to do advanced matching or handling of the request.

(with-fake-http [#(< (count (% :url)) 20) (fn [orig-fn opts callback]
                                            {:status 418})]
  (:status @(http/get ""))) ; 418

If your callback returns a future (or any instance of clojure.lang.IDeref, no special treatment will be done on the return value and it is assumed your handler invokes the callback when needed. In all other cases, http-kit-fake completes the response as normal and additionally adds the necessary boilerplate to invoke the callback argument.

An implementation returning a future should look like this:

(with-fake-http [#(< (count (% :url)) 20) (fn [orig-fn opts callback]
                                            (future ((or callback identity)
                                                     {:status 418})))]
  (:status @(http/get ""))) ; 418

If you want to pass the call along to http-kit, such as in the case of :allow, you can apply (orig-fn opts callback), since the first argument is the unstubbed #'org.httpkit.client/request function.


Copyright © 2013-2014 Chris Corbyn. See the LICENSE file for details.


Fakes HTTP requests using the Clojure http-kit client







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