- alert,
- confirm,
- prompt.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="path/purePopup.css">
<script src="path/purePopup.js"></script>
PurePopup.type(params, callback);
- type: (alert|confirm|prompt)
- params: object
- callback: function
Parameter | Use in | Type | Default | Description |
title | alert, confirm, prompt | string | document.title | Popop title |
buttons | alert, confirm, prompt | object | {ok: 'Ok'} for alert and {ok: 'Ok', cancel: 'Cancel'} for confirm and prompt |
Buttons that close popup and call callback function with object containing confirm parameter as result. confirm - string, containing the key of clicked button from buttons object. For customize buttons use '._buttonkey_ ' class |
inputs | prompt | object | {name: 'Please, enter your name'} |
For prompt it generates labels and inputs. Key of object - key in callback parameter with value of input value. |
callback(result) | alert, confirm, prompt | function | null | Callback function calls when popup has closed. Result contains object with prompt parameter - clicked button value (noActionCancel if close popup by click on background space) and inputs values (key: value). |
document.getElementById('button').addEventListener('click', function(){
title: 'Please, introduce yourself',
buttons: {
okButton: 'Continue',
cancelButton: 'Cancel'
inputs: {
nameInput: 'Name:',
emailInput: 'Email:'
}, function(result) {
if (result.confirm == 'okButton') {
title: 'Nice to meet you, ' + result.nameInput + ' ' + result.emailInput
} else if (result.confirm == 'cancelButton') {
title: 'Do you really want to quit?',
buttons: {
yes: 'Yes, I do',
no: 'No'
}, function(result) {
if (result.confirm == 'yes') {
PurePopup.alert({title: 'So, goodbye'});
} else if (result.confirm == 'no') {
PurePopup.alert({title: 'Thank you'});
} else if (result.confirm == 'noActionCancel') {
// nothing to do