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433Mhz / 315 Mhz remote control receiver and decoder.

Wiring Diagram


This library can:

Tested on, but not limited to the following boards

  • Arduino UNO
  • Arduino DUE
  • ESP32S3DEVK-C1N8.

Hints on remote operating distance

The development was done on an Arduino Due. Tests have shown that the working range of several 433Mhz receiver modules strongly depend on the quality of the power supply. When the Arduino Due is supplied via USB port, the receiver module works properly when powered from the Arduino 5V pin. When the Arduino Due is supplied via the extra power connector, the Arduino 5V pin is is powered from an Arduino Due internal voltage regulator. A receiver module now powerd from the Arduino Due 5V pin, will drop the working range by at least 50% compared to the USB powering situation. So when the extra power connector is used for Arduino Due, I recommend suppying the receiver module separately by a linear Voltage regulator like an 7805, to achieve best working range.

Remote control protocol

The remote control protocol is a stream of pulse pairs with different duration and pulse levels. In the context of this documentation, the first pulse will be referred to as "pulse A" and the second one as "pulse B".

  Normal level protocols start with a high level:
    XXXX|                   |____________________|XXXX

  Inverse level protocols start with a low level:
    XXXX|___________________|                    |XXXX

        ^                   ^                    ^
        | pulse A duration  | pulse B duration   |
 In the synchronization phase there is a short pulse followed by a very long pulse:
    Normal level protocols:
    XXXX|    |_____________________________________________________________|XXXX

    Inverse level protocols:
    XXXX|____|                                                             |XXXX

In the data phase there is a short pulse followed by a long pulse for a logical 0 data bit:

    Normal level protocols:
    XXXX|  |________|XXXX

    Inverse level protocols:
    XXXX|__|        |XXXX

a long pulse followed by a short pulse for a logical 1 data bit:

    Normal level protocols:
    XXXX|        |__|XXXX

    Inverse level protocols:
    XXXX|________|  |XXXX


433Mhz / 315 Mhz remote control receiver and decoder







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