Export Pentair pool status to Influx DB so that it can be graphed with Grafana. To be run as a cron job.
Uses screenlogicpy python script to access the Pentair pool data.
As screenlogicpy
creates deeply nested JSON objects and Influx DB only handles single depth Json objects, the objects that I am interested in are flattened in the function publish_pentair_data
The following objects are created:
- Object for each body of water, eg Pool and Spa. The body objects contain Last_Temperature, Heat_Mode, Heat, Heat_Set_Point and Cool_Set_Point. For Heat_Mode, see enums defined in
- Object for each pump. The pump object contains GPM_Now, RPM_Now and Watts_Now
- Sensors object, which contains each sensor and value
- Circuits object, which contains each configured circuit and value
usage: pentair-exporter.py [-h] [-r] [--influxdb] [--influxdb_host INFLUXDB_HOST] [--influxdb_port INFLUXDB_PORT]
[--influxdb_user INFLUXDB_USER] [--influxdb_pass INFLUXDB_PASS] [--influxdb_db INFLUXDB_DB]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-r, --raw print json data to stddout
--influxdb publish to influxdb
--influxdb_host INFLUXDB_HOST
hostname of InfluxDB HTTP API (default: localhost)
--influxdb_port INFLUXDB_PORT
port of InfluxDB HTTP API (default: 8086)
--influxdb_user INFLUXDB_USER
InfluxDB username
--influxdb_pass INFLUXDB_PASS
InfluxDB password
--influxdb_db INFLUXDB_DB
InfluxDB database name (default: pentair)
-v, --verbose verbose mode - show threads
To configure as a cron job, crontab -e
Recommend to run every 1 minutes, to not overload the controller.
* * * * * /usr/bin/python3 /home/pi/pentair-exporter/pentair-exporter.py --influxdb --influxdb_user logger --influxdb_pass pass
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